Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 29


5:35 PM CEST   Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, 42nd Floor

In Brussels, as Bear News cut to commercial and new updates on California, Waldger addressed the group on the 42nd floor boardroom. “We have our answer now. We now know that he is one of the witnesses or at least he says he is. Our first order of business is to find the other witness. From Jack’s comments, he will surface very soon and if I know their scriptures, he will be located in Israel or somewhere close to there.”

“This also means that we need to now start the implementation to prepare for the final countdown. We all know who the enemy is here and we all know the steps we need to start taking immediately to implement the final plan.”

Waldger then pulled a thick folder from his stack of files and said, “Each of you has a copy of this in front of you or it was sent earlier to our remote attendees. It outlines specifically what each country and corporation must now start to do. There will be a lot of chaos in the world after today, and a lot of fear. We need to control this immediately. And we will be starting a campaign soon of disinformation, not only on Jack, but the next witness also.”

“Their God is trying to win over the world’s population by grandstanding. Our master had told us that this day would come and we are prepared. We have our plans in place and ready to go. In the first part of our agenda, those of you whose countries will be affected will be expected to begin suspending all the rights of your citizens as soon as the first rain starts in the Sahara tomorrow and the first hurricane hits the U.S. in five days, in order to control riots and mayhem. We will then secure all currencies and freeze the markets on a worldwide basis until we see the damage that these witnesses will cause.”

He continued, “This will also allow us to implement our primary plan to solidify the world into one focus. That is one of survival and eventual destruction of their God, once and for all. Any comments?”

One of the representatives from Northern Europe asked the first question, “Should we try and assassinate Mr. South or have the U.S. pick him up and pick his brain?”

“Neither,” Aafre said. “I had already made that clear earlier. Now if you look in your planning folders, you will find that we are bound not to kill him and cannot harm him for three and a half years. He may not know it, but even if we shot him in the head, it would be like a scratch. He has his God’s protection. In addition, we need him to fulfill his destiny. When he and the other witness are through, there will be absolutely no one left to stop us from preparing the world for the final battle and the end of their God’s tyranny.”

The President of the U.S. came up on the screen and said, “Aafre, do you think we can turn him. I mean talk to him and make him understand that he is on the wrong side?”

“If we could, it would be a great win for us. Moreover, temptation of power is sometimes capable of making a good argument for turning. I mean, the Master did try with Jesus, but this person is not the son of their God. He is a man, but I think he still has free will to do as he chooses.”

Waldger thought about this some more, as he paused and said, “There may be something to it Stevenson. Because Jack does have free will, we might be able to turn him. Do you think you can get to him for a one on one talk?”

“Yes,” Stevenson said. “Our contingency can attend the rally that we were made aware of awhile ago and maybe set something up then or right after. If he sees we are there, he might feel compelled to talk to us or me.”

“See what you can do,” Aafre said, “then get back to me. We do not want to make the wrong move here, but there is always a possibility that with power and luxury, one’s mindset can change. I have noticed that Jack does not seem comfortable and he is somewhat timid most of the time. Let me know your plans Stevenson. Also, what rally are you speaking of?”

“We received a communication a few minutes ago that Jack South’s ad agency was setting up a stage in Kansas City for a rally on Thursday evening.”

“That’s interesting,” Aafre said. “Maybe we can use that scenario and hold our emergency meetings right after that on Friday and Saturday. Let me work on it.”

“Now, getting back to today, the next part of his interview is with a panel of religious leaders. This ought to be interesting. We know some of the people on the panel.. They have a Jewish Rabbi from the Center Synagogue in New York, a Southern Baptist from New York, and the Bishop from the Catholic Diocese in New York. Let’s see, a Hindu Priest who also was in New York on business, who actually is a high priest from Calcutta, a Buddhist monk we know nothing about, and Robert Jackson, an atheist who is quite famous in the U.S. Mr. Jackson is constantly suing the U.S. government over separation of church and state. There is also an Islamic Cleric, whom we know very little about. He is more Americanized than most Islamic clerics and is not likely to say as much as some more militant Islamic groups, such as some of the more radical ones found in Iran or Iraq.”

“Also note that we are concerned about the fact that Jack may cause some rioting in the world. I have a feeling that if he is cornered by the Islamic priest, then he may slip and say the wrong thing. In any event, we need to take anything he says and make it sound like he is trying to cause division, even if he is not. Our only offense with this person and his partner is to turn the world’s population against them. I doubt that will be hard. Fear is a great equalizer and when people fear something, they can no longer be rational. We have all of our creative thinkers working on this as we speak. We need to make this Jack person and the other witness the most hated people on earth. That is our only weapon against them for now.”

“Won’t rioting cause even more problems?” asked a representative from one of the world’s largest corporations in Germany, “Especially Muslims; they are prevalent in many countries outside the Mideast, particularly in Europe.”

Aafre hesitated before he answered, then he said, “It is like collateral damage in war. You expect it, you control it, and you hopefully only let it happen where it will do the least amount of damage.”

David spoke up and said, “They are coming back on, sir. We might want to tune back in.”

“Thanks, David.” Aafre replied. “We will have more to discuss after we see this.”