Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 30


10:40 AM EST   New York - Bear News Interview Studio

During the break, I was handed a list of six people from various religious backgrounds, including fundamental Baptist, Catholic, Judaism, Islam, and Asian religions. There was also an atheist on the list. I was curious as to the purpose of the atheist. I supposed that they had prepared for all sides of opinions.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, which turned out to be Donald, the producer. As I turned to him he said, “We are about ready to start. The panel will be seated across from you on the couch they brought in a few minutes ago. It is sort of a face-to-face type meeting. Also, you will notice the cameras now surrounding both sides of the studio.” He waited while I looked around before continuing, “What will be happening on the TVs in the homes of viewers is that the screen will be split with you on one side and the questioner on the other. Therefore, look directly into the camera that is in front of you.”

“Will I be able to hear and see them okay?”

“Certainly, they are on the couch in front of you. It is just that it works better with the split screens for viewers. We can assure you that you will be able to hear them well.” He directed me to a table where they put an earpiece in my ear for the audio feed. I noticed that they did the same for everyone else as well. I looked down at the other couch they had brought in and saw Reverend Marks from New York. He was a fire and brimstone black preacher, known for his loudness and theatrics in his church sermons. I wondered how it was going to go with him. I walked over and introduced myself to him. We exchanged hellos and then I sat on the opposite couch waiting for John Roddenburg and the rest of the Panel.

It was getting close to 11:00 a.m. and I was getting both tired and hungry. Nevertheless, I felt alert. I wondered how Jesus had felt when he faced this same situation thousands of years ago in front of the Sanhedrin court. I really wished that Gabriel and Ariel could be here. I was not sure how well I was going to do.

The other panelists all started to file in and I was introduced to each of them as they arrived. I had not heard of any of them before, other than Reverend Marks. No one showed any signs of anger or coolness towards me and they all seemed quite cordial. This was going to be one heck of a panel I thought to myself. They were probably hoping to crucify me in front of the whole world if they could. I just hoped, that as Gabriel had told me, whenever I needed the answer to a question, I just had to think about it, close my eyes, and then the answer would be there. I was to trust my instincts and that God would give me the right answer. I was not to get angry, but just sit back and give the exact answer as it came to me, he had said. This meant that God was in my presence and would guide me as necessary. I had to really turn up my faith at this point. That would be the only thing that might save me from these people.

“Mr. South?” a page, trying to get my attention said, “we are ready now. Mr. Roddenburg is coming back in.” He must have noticed I was daydreaming again.