Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 31


10:40 AM EST   New York - Bear News, John Roddenburg’s Dressing Room

John was in his dressing room. He was still having difficulty dealing with the first part of the interview and was concerned that what had transpired with Jack and his predictions were so farfetched that it was almost unbelievable.

However, he kept telling himself that this guy had so far been one hundred percent accurate, down to how long the earthquake would shake, to the second. Now, with these new predictions, if he were right about them, it would make Jack the most newsworthy person on earth. John knew that if that were the case, then he would be spending a lot of time with Jack in the near future. John had wanted to avoid asking the direct question of whether this was the start of Tribulation. Had the clock started ticking on the last segment of life and man’s rule on earth, as he knew it? He felt the panel would ask the question, so he did not.

In college, he had been part of a study group that took apart a best seller from a fundamentalist writer. It was about the end of the world as we knew it and the wars between Gog and Magog on the plain of Megiddo; and other horrible things that were to happen in scripture. John had a feeling that the events of that book were now about to come true. He had actually thought about having someone go to his house to get the copy he still owned. However, there was enough time to read it when he went home.

The problem he had with all of this was that Jack was not a bearded Jewish hothead, but a normal American older person who did not seem to fit the stereotypical witness one would expect. But then, there was no physical description of the witnesses, other than that they raise havoc on earth and its population and are dressed in sackcloth. John had looked up the definition of ‘sackcloth’ and found that it really meant ‘clothing of the people’.

His door opened and the page said, “John, the panel is seated and they are waiting for you.”

John got up and thought to himself, “I really hope this does not go bad. This is uncharted news reporting and anything can go wrong.” He crossed himself and walked out the door. He was also Catholic.