Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 37


11:35 AM EST   New York - Bear News Interview Studio

I was glad for the break. I was becoming very weary of the questioning and having difficulty concentrating. It had been over six hours since this day started and I knew that it was only beginning. It was going to get worse. Now I had to deal with the eastern religions of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

I got up and motioned for Mark to come with me. We walked off into a corner alone.

“Mark,” I said, “the Jewish question was the easy one. Now I have to deal with questions from the eastern religions and I have no idea how to answer them. I do not want to start riots in the world with my answers, but I think no matter what I say or how I say it, that is going to be what will occur. Do you have any ideas?”

Mark stroked his overweight double chin. He seemed to be concentrating. Then he said, “Tell them the truth, and let the chips fall where they may.”

“But Mark, I really do not know the truth.”

“Yes you do. Gabriel told you the truth and it is up to you to tell it like it is. Once again, it is your destiny to preach the gospel these last few years. Also, remember that you can always close your eyes and see God’s will.”

I thought this over for a few seconds, and I said to Mark, “Please tell them I need some time alone, maybe ten or fifteen minutes.”

“Sure Jack, I will tell them. Without you, there is no show, so I am sure they will wait.”

I walked away from the studio in search of a quiet place to pray.