Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 39


6:40 PM CEST   Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, 42nd Floor

David and his other contemporaries in the room had been watching the interview with Jack South in fascination. So far, Jack had held his own and was able to not only handle the questions, but put questions right back to the questioners. David’s thoughts were interrupted by Aafre, who was speaking again. The subject was the position of the Reverend Marks, who seemed very irate with Jack.

“…this Marks guy may be someone we can use in the very near future. Someone figure out who he is and what his angle is. In addition, for those of you who do not know yet, we have placed one of our people on the panel, whose turn is still yet to come. I will hold back on who he is to see if any of you can figure out which panelist it is. This is a game of words and we need to sharpen our abilities to fight back with our resources and discredit Jack and his other partner, whoever he is. It does not seem that we are going to find out much more about this other witness now, other than that he is Jewish, as Jack told the Rabbi. Even though Jack has said he does not know who he is, I think he does. Any comments?”

Baroness Rachel Wimberley of the Netherlands spoke up now, “I personally do not think this guy is the Witness, but a clairvoyant trying to make a name for himself. There has to be a rational explanation for his predictions. Maybe he is a genius, and figured all this out and is predicting what Mother Nature would do anyway. It may well be that he is a fraud and there is no substance to his claims.”

“Very well put,” Aafre responded, “but I caution; his predictions have always been correct and have zero probability of occurring exactly as he said. If what he said is going to happen with the new predictions, and it does, then your theory will hold no water. However, what you have just said is actually the basis of our plan to discredit him.”

The President of the U.S. then spoke via satellite link. “Aafre, what if he is right in his predictions? If he is, California will pale in comparison with the destruction of these hurricanes. Our entire infrastructure cannot contain two, let alone five, six, or seven disasters at one time. So, if he is right, then what do we do?”

Aafre was silent. After a moment of thinking, he said, “Let’s see what else this Jack has to say before we broach that subject, Stevenson.”

They all turned back to the monitors again, watching the news updates in California on Bear News; and like most people in the world, waited for Jack to continue after the news updates.