Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 43


12:15 PM EST   New York - Bear News Interview Studio

We were notified we had about fifteen minutes until the next and last segment, so I sought out Reverend Marks, now known as Thomas, and my attorney Mark Anderson.

We gathered together in a small corner out of earshot of the other guests. I told Mark that Thomas was going to help us in Kansas City and to give him as much support as possible. He did not say anything like John had so I assumed he was not surprised. I then said, “I was amazed that the Hindu representative was so aggressive and I wondered what kind of damage it was causing in the world with other religious people and countries.”

Thomas said, “To be honest Jack, you said it correctly and it is what it is. God said that he was the only true God and if these people have other Gods, they can either believe or not believe.”

“That’s true Thomas, but now I have the cleric after the break. Islam will not take this lying down, so do any of you have any suggestions?”

They both looked at me, and Mark said, “When I am trying a case, it usually comes down to emotions, and since there are no cross examinations here, I would suggest you avoid direct questions and answer with hypothetical answers, like you just did. In other words, avoid the obvious and use compliments. Let them think what they want.”

“Do you think they are going to directly ask me if I think their Allah is the same God, as that of Christians and Jews?”

“Well is he or not? Or do you know?” Mark asked.

“I don’t know, but I assume that he is not the same God.”

“You are probably right, but remember what Gabriel told you, the Jews are the other witness’ problems and not yours. I would think that also means the Muslims, as you stated earlier, for they also all claim to come from Abraham. So do not commit. You have a long time to go and today you will not win it all.”

“Okay Mark. I understand.” Then I turned to Thomas and said, “How about you?”

“I agree with Mark. I have not met this other witness, but if I know my prophecy, he is not like you. He will tell it like it is regardless of whom it hurts. I would stay with what you know. Avoid controversy today. Also Jack, do you have any direction from God on this?”

“No I do not.” I thought to myself, no I think he has left this one up to me.