Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 44


12:15 PM EST   New York - Bear News Corporate Headquarters, 41st Floor

John was intercepted by his producer, Donald, on his way to the newsroom and was told that it was not necessary to do the 12:15 p.m. update, “It’s already covered. It is mostly the California earthquake news, weather updates, and some of the highlights of Jack’s interview so far,” he said.

“Okay, that will work. I need to catch up anyway. When will we be back on?”

The producer answered, “At around 12:30; but John, Chris wants to see you immediately. He says it is urgent.”

“What does he want?”

“I do not know, but I would hurry. We will wait until you are done with your meeting with him of course. You need to go now.” Without another word, John started for the elevators to the boss’ office on the 41st floor.

Chris Morgan rarely interrupted anything John did on these shows and that made him concerned. John pretty well thought that it might have something to do with the next panelist, who was the Islamic cleric. He was known to be very outspoken.

John had known Chris for years, both professionally and personally. Chris was a man that loved his family, but saw them little, for he was also married to his work. He was about 60 years of age with deep blue eyes and a smile that could mesmerize you. He weighed about two hundred pounds, wore very nice clothes, but not flashy, and loved spending time on his boat. However, even when he was on it, he was conducting business. He enjoyed his life and his Network.

The elevator stopped on the 41st floor and Sharon, his assistant, was sitting at her desk, “Go on in John, he’s waiting.”

When John walked into Chris’s office, the boss was standing off to the side of his desk, looking out the window. He turned and asked, “Have you seen the streets John?” John moved over to the window and looked down a madhouse of people.

“No I had not seen it. I had no idea it had grown to this proportion.”

“Well since you have been doing your work downstairs The Network has been covering our front door with their reporters in the throng. They are reporting that we are harboring a criminal and that the justice department ought to pick Jack up. It is just rhetoric, but it is effective. They probably have a few shills in there they placed for the news reporters. That’s their style.”

“What do you want me to do?” John asked.

Finish the interview, and then we will start reporting from the street. We will also get some legal people on our follow up broadcasts to refute that Mr. South has committed a crime. Predicting Mother Nature is not yet a crime anywhere that I know of. The other thing is, the last segment of the interview got a little rough. I would not have thought that the Hindu would go on the attack the way he did.”

“Yes he did; and to be honest, I think he did so, on purpose. However, I think Mr. South held his own and minimized the damage that could have been done. I guess I need to try to control this next segment with the cleric. We are going to have to pass on the atheist and the Buddhist. I think Mr. South is about done with interviewing today and we have to get other things done too.”

“Any idea on how we get him out of the building? That crowd out there will tear him to pieces.”

“No. I will ask Mr. South how he would like that to be handled.”

“Well, see if they can make arrangements for a helicopter or use ours. Also that way we can film it live. When the crowd sees that he is gone, maybe they will disperse.”

“Okay, I will mention it.”

“I guess we are the network for the Kansas City thing he is doing?”


“Any idea why it is he requested that we have slow motion cameras?”

“I have an idea, but nothing definite.”

“If this crowd is any indication of what is to come, then Kansas City will be a nightmare. But its news, and where there is news, we will be there.”

“Right Chris; uh, I really need to get downstairs and finish this.”

“Okay John, do your best. If the world is still here when it comes up, you will get a Pulitzer for this.”