Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 46


12:59 PM EST   New York - Bear News Viewing Room

We wandered back to the glassed in viewing room. Lunch had been set up for everyone. I got a cup of ice for a soda and started nibbling on a finger sandwich. Mark had followed me in, but had said nothing. I sat down and stared through the glass at the monitors as John Roddenburg continued from the news desk. I turned to Mark and said, “This was an interesting day.”

Mark just shook his head and said, “This has been a very long day.”

“Yes indeed and it is not over yet.”

“Where are we going from here?”

“I’m not sure. I assume that Gabriel and Ariel have something setup for us. I know I’m supposed to be going to the Middle East soon.”

“Well just to bring you up to date, I have my ear to the attorney general’s office in Washington, and so far there does not seem to be any hurry to snatch you off the streets for anything yet. We are however, getting ready to sue The Network for breach of contract and liable. That should happen by Friday at the latest.”

“Thanks Mark. We need to destabilize them as much as possible. They are owned and run by The Waldger Group. Anything we can do to discredit them will be to our advantage. We are running a one man army here against some really powerful people in the world and we do not have much time.” Some of the panelists had entered the room. Cleric Mohammed walked up to me as I stood by the buffet table. He was getting a drink. I asked him if we could talk a moment.

“Yes,” he said.

We walked over to a couch and sat down. He took a drink, and said, “I find you interesting Jack.”

“So does the rest of the world Mohammed; but I want to ask you, why did you not get on the bandwagon of trying to nail me about Allah and my God?”

“Simple. If I started that question in light of what is going on today and what I am seeing, riots would break out everywhere. I did not want that to happen today. It is the wrong time.”

“Thanks, I do appreciate it. I really felt it was going to be the other way. Your insight may well have stopped even more disaster today. I sincerely appreciate it.”

“I understand. The world is changing and I have read the prophecies from your bible. We have many of our own and they are very similar.” He paused before continuing, “I really believe you are the witness as described in your scripture and I feel for you. Very soon, everyone will hate you on earth. You know that don’t you?”

“Yes I do.”

He got up from his chair and said, “I do not need to stay to see if your prediction is true. I know it will happen. I have no doubt. We need to talk again Jack, very soon.”

He bowed. I returned the gesture and watched him leave the area. I assumed he was leaving to go and discuss this with his colleagues.

I turned my attention back to the monitors that were showing the broadcast from the news desk.