Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 45


12:25 PM EST   New York - Bear News Interview Studio

We were all seated again and I was hoping that this would end soon. We were doing unprecedented TV with an unscheduled interview, a hurriedly appointed panel of religious leaders, and a major disaster in California that I was getting the blame for, because I predicted it. Moreover, there were major hurricanes heading for the U.S., major rain in North Africa, and soon, the ice caps would start melting ice. And it was only noon.

John returned and took his seat. The assistant producer used his fingers for the countdown; showing five, four, three, two, and one, instead of the digital counter. John had said almost nothing when he came back. He just let the conversation flow with the panelists. As the cleric’s turn drew closer, I wondered if he would stay out of it or try to moderate; for there could very well be some fireworks. Maybe that was why he was so quiet.

Once we were live, John went through some introductions again, giving the same summary. Then he introduced the world to the Muslim Cleric, Mohammed Asolu, asking if he had any questions for me.

“Yes John, I do.” Then he turned to me and said, “Jack, or Mr. South, how do we know you are from your God?”

I could see that everyone leaned forward on the couch, including John. Then I replied, “Cleric Asolu, this is really very simple.” I was hoping this would work and he would bite, “The Bible and the Qur’an have the test of the prophet correct in its scriptures. The test is quite simple. A prophet or man from God, or a messenger from God, says something. He has to be one hundred percent, right? So far, have I not been one hundred percent correct?”

“I suppose so Mr. South, but that does not prove you are from God.”

“What would you say would make me known as a man of God, other than your opinion, Cleric Asolu?”

“Maybe we can have another test of your ability to communicate with God.”

I was surprised at this request. I would have thought that he would jump on the Hindu’s bandwagon and get me to say Allah was not God. It was working. Thank you God, I said to myself.

“Okay, I am up to the test. Let us say we ask the Bear News to break for a commercial. You and all the rest of the panel get together and predict something that may occur, say by 1:15 p.m., which would be epic. Give the exact time, place, and any other details as to what would occur; and it has to be something not caused by man.” I waited for an answer.

“I am not sure we can do that. We can all pray together and ask for a sign, but specific information we cannot do. But can you? Can you predict something right now that will happen by 1:15?”

“Would it matter to you if I could?”

“Yes it would. I would have to start to rethink my doubts about you.”

“That’s fair.” I looked over to John and asked, “May I have a piece of paper and a pen?”

He motioned to the camera area and a few seconds later a page brought over a clipboard with a pen and blank paper on it. He handed it to me, not saying a word.

I said to the others, “I need a moment please.” I could see the camera had zoomed in on me. I closed my eyes and spoke to God silently. God, I need help here. I need to show them that you are here in my presence, directing my hand and my mind. I stayed motionless, then I opened my eyes and began to write. I took the sheet off the clipboard folded it in half and handed it to John.

 “You can read it out loud if you like,” I said to him.

John Roddenburg looked at me as he took the folded sheet and said, “It’s not another disaster, is it Jack?”

“No, it is a prediction with the exact information including the longitude, latitude and time of day it will happen, which is at exactly 1:15 p.m. today. Feel free to discuss it with the panel if you wish. It is in a remote area.”

He unfolded the note I wrote, then read the contents to the panel, “At 1:15 p.m. EST, a new volcano will start erupting in the Pacific Ocean at +13.239 latitude by -147.128 longitude. This is about four hundred miles southeast of Hawaii. Within three days, it will be a small island.” John looked at me and asked, “Are there any populated areas near there, Jack?”

“No. It is pretty well open ocean. You should receive information of an earthquake in that area by 1:15 p.m. EST. The ocean will then start to boil and there will be an ash cloud coming from the sea. As the cone builds, it will begin to form land.”

John looked at his watch and said, “That is in about 35 minutes.”

“Yes it is. Now you will see the power of God; each and every one of you. For this predication is impossible for a man to cause and impossible to predict.” I turned to the other panel members and said, “I hope this will answer all of your questions. I am sure you have many more, but for today, I have answered as many as I can,  Additionally, I do want to let the viewers and you know that on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Kansas City, Missouri, I will be holding my first rally or sermon.”

John turned to the panel and said, “We appreciate your coming today; each and every one of you.”

He then turned to the camera and said to the world, “We will also be in Kansas City on Thursday, broadcasting Jack’s sermon live. We will soon provide additional information on the schedules for this live event on Bear News. Well folks, it just keeps getting more interesting as the day progresses. We are going to cut away to regular news and try to figure out how to get coverage of a new island being formed in the Pacific, starting at 1:15 p.m., a few minutes from now, as Jack has predicted. If he is correct, that will be four for four at zero odds. He hesitated to let it sink in. “Stay tuned to us and we will bring you up to date as soon as we can confirm or disprove Mr. South’s latest prediction.”