Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 49


1:30 PM EST   New York - Bear News Studios, Helipad on top of Corporate Building

Finally, the whirlwind day was winding down and it was time to go to the next phase of my mission. All I knew was that the next thing on my agenda was to fly to the Middle East where I assumed I was to meet my fellow witness and introduce him to the world. I just was not sure when. Then I would be off to Kansas City on Thursday for the first of many stops around the world to proclaim the message.

We took the elevators down to the ground floor, assuming Gabriel had arranged transportation. As we moved towards the door leading out of the network, through the glass we could see a mass of people and police attempting to hold them back. But there was no limousine there. I stood back looking out the door and asked Mark, “How do we get out of here now?”

At that same moment, a page came up to us and said, “Mr. South, can you follow me? We are going to take you to the roof.”

As we followed the page back to the elevators I asked, “Why are we going to the roof?”

“There is a helicopter there to pick you up. I thought you knew that.”

“No, I didn’t.” I looked at Mark as I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I guess we are really going to fly with angels, assuming that Gabriel arranged this.” The assistant just looked at us saying nothing. He seemed more in shock than anything from my comment. He must have watched the broadcast.

When we walked out onto the roof from the elevator, we saw the helicopter. It was a Bell Long Ranger, six-seat commercial passenger copter. We hurriedly moved across the roof to the pad, then ducked down under the rotating blades and climbed into the open door.

When we got in, I was not surprised to see Gabriel and Ariel. Someone had shut the door and then we were quickly airborne. I looked out the window and saw the cameras on the roof. They had evidently been filming our departure. “Now they can go and say, ‘Elvis has left the building.’ Maybe that will make the crowd outside the building disperse,” I said to no one in particular.

“Where are we going?” I asked, looking at Gabriel.

He answered, “To LaGuardia airport to take a jet to Israel. You have a lot to do and a short time in which to it .I will meet you there after you land. I have other business to attend to.”

I nodded. “I thought that was tomorrow?”

“No, it is better you go now Jack,” as he handed me a bound folder. “Read all of this and memorize it. It tells the story you need to start relating to the world, not as man wrote it, but as God and Jesus wrote it. You will be the second mortal man to ever read the Word of God directly from his hand. Memorize and believe, for you are the one who needs to tell the Gentiles the truth.”

Gabriel then turned his attention to Mark and asked, “Do you have everything in place at your office for the fallout that is sure to start coming?”

Mark said, “Yes, and I need to get back to my office to attend to business.”

“The pilots will drop you off at the airport with Jack and you can catch a limo back to your New York office.”

“No,” Mark said, “I can catch a shuttle back to Chicago. I need my resources there, if that is okay.”

“That’s fine Mark, but be careful. We cannot protect you in public like that.”

Mark replied, “I will be fine. They are interested in Jack, not me. I guess we will all meet up again in Kansas City on Wednesday or so for the Rally Thursday?” he asked.

“No Mark. We need you where you are. I think you will be very busy the next few days.”

“Okay Gabriel, as you say,” Mark replied.

I looked over at Gabriel and said, “I have invited the Reverend Marks, whose first name is Thomas, by the way, to handle the Kansas City rally for me. I also asked him to be my right hand man. I hope that is okay.”

Gabriel smiled and said, “You’re doing well Jack. You have a Mark,” pointing at Mark, “and now a Doubting Thomas. I am also glad you are taking on the responsibility for your sermon there. You will soon be totally on your own with only your friends you trust, and the other witness around you. Choose each one of those friends carefully, for there is always a traitor in every group.”

“I know Gabriel. I am well aware of betrayal.”

“We’re landing soon Jack. God be with you, and also you Mark,” Gabriel said, and then he sat back and was quiet.

The copter landed at LaGuardia. We stepped off the helicopter right by a waiting car that whisked me off to a jet on the tarmac. As I got out, I told Mark, “Thanks and I’ll call you later.” I then walked up the steps of the private jet. I was greeted by one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. 

She said, “Take your seat and buckle up Mr. South. We need to take off.”