Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 50


2:00 PM EST   somewhere over the Atlantic

As the jet took off from the airport, it dawned on me that I had no luggage, no passport, and was hungry and tired. I looked around my surroundings and took notice that this was a private corporate jet. I assumed some of the lottery winnings had bought it. Mark was really good, I thought. He knew how to get things done. He had gone through a lot today and what was now in his mind was more than any one mortal could comprehend, I assumed. I hoped he was okay.

I looked at the binder I held in my hand that Gabriel had given me, and just stared at it. I was afraid to open it. This was God’s message that I was to start preaching worldwide. I was the one to teach and evidently punish the Gentiles. The other witness would deal with the Jews of the world and their conversion to Jesus.

As I closed my eyes, I wished that I had a cigarette or a drink. I wondered if that was a sin. I had committed so many sins in my life up to this point that I still could not comprehend why I was chosen. I was also thinking that my time here on earth was also limited and I thought of my family. I would be dead in a little over three years.

As I sat there in my own world, I felt a tap on my shoulder. the cabin attendant was standing there with a package of Marlboros, a lighter, and a cold Coors Light. She said, “I think you might want these. They might help you relax.”

“Thanks,” I said. I asked her where she was from and her name.

“My name is Veronica. I am from just about everywhere.”

“Are you a friend of Gabriel or Ariel?” I asked

“Yes. I, like them, and I am here to help and protect you.”

“Are you an angel?” I asked, for I did not know of any female angel’s names.

“It’s best that you do not concern yourself with angels just now. I am here to help you with your journey. For the next three and a half years someone will always be with you to help.”

“Well, that’s good. Can you answer a question for me?”

“Of course.”

“Are smoking this cigarette and drinking this beer sinful?”

She laughed. “If you do in moderation and follow the Ten Commandments, then there is not a sin in smoking or drinking. If it destroys God’s gifts, then yes, it is a sin. I do not think that you are sinning by drinking a beer. I will also have some dinner for you in a few minutes. If you like, there is a phone on board. Your wife and family have been trying to reach you all day, especially since the TV news has you on nonstop and worldwide. I am sure your wife is worried.”

“Thanks.” I looked at the sky phone, as I thought of what I was going to say. I never really told them what I was really going to do, except that since we won the lottery people would try to take advantage of us and so I had to move them out of the country. Now she would know the truth and I needed to comfort her and the kids somehow. How, I did not know. I laid the binder on the seat beside me as I lit the Marlboro.

I finished the first cigarette then lit another and stared at the phone.