Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 51


9:00 PM CEST   Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, Aafre Waldger’s Office

After everyone left, Aafre and the Cardinal went to his private office to talk and have some dinner. After they were through and the service was removed, he turned to the Cardinal and said, “It is time to implement the plan Cardinal. It must be done soon. We need to start to battle these witnesses sooner and not later. Are you in agreement that it is time?”

“Yes I am. We have always been ready. We also know the prophecies of Saint Malachy. It is time for the last Pope to arrive. It is also now time for Peter to take power of the church, is it not?”

“Yes it is, yes it is. Do you have a timetable and is your Peter ready?”

“Yes, he is ready. We have spoken several times before and he knows the plan and his role in it.”

“How are you going to depose of the current Pope?”

“That is our problem, but as you know, he is old and not doing so well. Therefore, his death will not be a surprise to anyone. We have already taken steps to ensure that Peter takes office on the very first vote without any no’s, but all yeses. We will take care of it as promised, and soon.”

“Well within the week, two at the most please; for we need to move forward as soon as possible.”

“It will be done, Aafre.” The Cardinal stood, bowed, and took leave of the room.

When the Cardinal had gone, Aafre sat thinking about how they had waited for this time to come for thousands of years. The Master had laid out every step from this point forward and now The Waldger Group would be the one to carry it forward. He knew that his faith in his God, known only as the Master, had always shown him that the earth did belong to him and that title of the earth had been given to him a long time ago. However, God had reneged on the deal and sent Christ to reclaim the earth for God. It was a bad bet, and the Master had been fighting it ever since.

The final battle for earth was now less than seven years away and with the Hebrew God trying to destroy a large portion of mankind in these next few years, they had a lot to do to minimize damage and maintain the infrastructure needed for the final decision.

He had listened to this witness on TV today and was surprised at how nervous he was. Not at all a Moses or Abraham, but seemingly doing what he needed to do on autopilot, being almost afraid. The close up showed the fear in his eyes.

At this point though, he was more concerned about the other witness, the one that would preach to the Jews of the world and try to turn them from their belief to accepting Jesus as the Messiah. Aafre also believed that it was this witness who would take on the Arabs, and other Muslim countries, and turn that entire region into chaos. He was sure of it. This Jack South though, would learn more and become even more powerful. However, they were ready for it all, and he would soon announce not only the Prophet, but also his selected leader that all would accept very soon. It would not be much longer. The clock was ticking, soon, very soon.