Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 53


2:00 PM EST   Washington, D.C. - White House, Oval Office

President Stevenson and Jamal walked out of the War Room. The President motioned for him to come into the Oval Office. As they entered the room, the President asked the secret service agents to wait outside the door, so he and Jamal could have some privacy.

As they sat down, the President behind his desk and Jamal on the other side, the President said, “As you heard in the meeting, Jack South has basically declared war on the world. That is the first problem and one we will address soon. But I want you to figure out a way to get him to come to the White House to meet with me privately.”

“Why?” Jamal asked. “Did you not hear Aafre in the meeting? We were told specifically to leave him alone.”

“Yes I heard, but a friendly agreed upon meeting is not picking him up or harassing him. And he said that was okay.”

“Why would you do that anyway, Robert?”

“Because, like Jack, I am an American, and he might listen to me if he knows about the other side of the real story, not the fairy tales he was taught in Sunday school. I think we might be able to persuade him, but if not, then we will make Mr. South’s life miserable. In addition, we will do it without arresting him. It’s a strange thing to be really hated by almost everyone and that may be Jack’s legacy in life.”

“Also Jamal, I need you to call all the cabinet members away from wherever they are, to be here by tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. sharp, and then transported to Camp David. Also, get a hold of the Vice President in China. He needs to be here now. Use Air Force transportation or any military transportation available for anyone not here in the capital. Call the House and Senate leaders and ask them to attend also.” The President paused, and then said, “And one more thing, Jamal. This is top secret. Do not talk to any aides, only the principals involved. Even though it is being held at Camp David and the press are likes flies over there, tell them to keep it under wraps, and,” thinking about his next statement said, “have them all bring an overnight bag. We have a lot to do and accomplish in a very short period of time.”

“Yes sir.” Jamal turned to leave the Oval Office to do the President’s bidding.