Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 54


2:45 PM EST   somewhere over the Atlantic

On the private jet, I finished a dinner of salmon, asparagus, and small potatoes. I had another beer and sat smoking a cigarette as Veronica cleared the dishes. I had been hungry and had eaten everything. Amazing, I felt that the aircraft I was flying in could be like a four star restaurant. It was amazing what money could buy you.

I stared at the telephone. I had not yet made the call home, but I knew I really needed to. I picked it up and started dialing the number Veronica had given me to call my family.

The phone started rang a few times before I heard the phone on the other end answer. I heard my wife’s voice say “Hello?”

“Hi honey. It’s Jack. How are you?”

Lois shrieked, “Jack, where are you? What is going on? You did not tell me about all of this.” She kept on, almost screaming on the telephone.

After listening to her I said, “Lois calm down. I am sure you have been watching the news and know everything now, at least as much as anyone knows. In addition, we have talked about Revelations before and how I felt about it. But I did not know how to tell you I was to be a participant.”

“Where are you?”

“On a plane headed for the Middle East.”

“Why are you going there? Are you not coming home to us, your family?”

“Lois I will try and explain it all to you later, but now is not the time. Right now, I am more concerned about you and the kids’ safety and that you are protected. There are many people looking for me now and they might try to get to you and the kids. I need you to calm down and listen.”

I could hear the tears rolling down her face as I waited for the next statement I knew she was about to make. “Jack, if you are one of the witnesses, then you will be killed in three and a half years.” She paused, and then asked, “Are you hearing me?”

“Yes Lois. You are right about that. We both know that this life is temporary and that we have eternity to live together. It will be a very short time, but now I have a service to do. I did not ask for it, but it was given to me and I must fulfill those responsibilities. I have been chosen, and you my wife, need to understand that.”

I could hear the pain in her voice as we spoke, but the conversation slowly moved to talking about the kids adjusting to the new surroundings and the ever presence of the guards. I finally closed our conversation with the following words, “Lo, like Joseph and Mary, we all now have our cross to bear and I have faith you will carry that cross and then spend eternity with me and our family forever. I need you to do that. I need to know you are always there for me. Now I have to go, but I will see you soon. I love you and will talk to you later.”

She sobbed out an, “I love you.” I told her that I loved her a second time before I hung up.