Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 56


7:50 AM CEST Day two of 1260 Brussels - The Waldger Group Corporate Headquarters, David Matthews’ Office

It was almost 8:00 a.m. in Brussels when David Matthews unlocked the door to his office. He liked to get there before his assistant, who arrived around 9:00 a.m. It gave him some time to sort through the things he was looking for and plan the day. It also meant that it gave him plenty of time before the U.S. woke up, especially today, to find out on the net what had happened overnight in regards to Jack South.

David had talked to Presley last night and evidently, they had lost Jack when he and his attorney left the roof of Bear News in a helicopter. They were eventually able to track down Mark though. He had flown back to Chicago to his home in the North Suburbs.

They also knew that Jack would be in his hometown Kansas City, on Tuesday or Wednesday, to hold a rally of some sort on Thursday. David needed to get tickets to the U.S. soon, then a connecting flight to Kansas City. He wanted to see the man in person. Then he would feel closer to knowing the man himself, which would make his job easier. He had also been told to go.

Right now, he needed to find out where Jack had gone to after the helicopter landed at LaGuardia. He had just disappeared. Amazing what millions of dollars could do. You could literally disappear.

David noticed that Jack had called his wife in South America from a skyphone from a plane. The number he called from was blocked. Most skyphones were, so that would not be of any use. However, he knew that he was on a jet going somewhere and it was not Kansas City. He pretty well assumed he was going to Israel where he may introduce the world to the other witness. However, he checked all the flights and flight plans from New York to Ben Gurion Airport, and there was no Jack on any flight.

Therefore, he thought it most likely that he was flying in a private jet. Maybe he had or maybe he had not, but he would figure that one out eventually. Jack would never slip through his fingers again. In the meantime, they had their people in Israel and the U.S. on the lookout for him. In the worst case, they would see him on Thursday.

David went online and set out to make travel arrangements to Kansas City. He soon found that he would need to pull some strings. All flights were booked and there were no flights to KCI or St. Louis. He now needed to get other transportation and knew just who to call.