Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 55


7:50 AM CEST Tuesday June 2nd Somewhere over the Mediterranean

Veronica woke me and said, “We will be landing in about an hour. There is a shower at the end of the galley and a change of clothes and some boots, which will be much better for you where we are going.” She handed me a cup of coffee with creamer already mixed in.

I immediately took a swallow and asked, “Have I been asleep long?”

“About seven hours.”

I took my coffee with me as I got up from my seat and went into the galley. I pulled the door shut. I looked around and saw the shower stall and a table that was setup with a pair of khakis, a white shirt with safari pockets, and hiking boots. Not quite what I usually wore, but I guess it would do. I also noticed that there was shaving equipment, deodorant, and other miscellaneous items.”

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 12:54 a.m. EST; so if I added seven hours to that, it was around 7:50 a.m. in Israel. As I turned on the shower, I started thinking about today and what, it would bring. I had not seen the news since we had left New York. It was another day, the first one of many that I would be alone in the world, hated by almost everyone, especially in the next thirty days. I was beginning to understand how the prophets of the Old Testament felt; being alone and hated by almost everyone they met.

The ones that did not hate you would then fear you. You were a man of God and people just did not like being around a man of God. Too many things might happen that many felt would not be in their best interest. Now to add to it, I was going to meet the other witness as foretold in the Bible. This one, I knew would bring havoc to Jews worldwide, in an attempt to convert them from Judaism to Christianity. Therefore, we now had to fight a two thousand year old war for the souls of man. The world as we know it, would crumble around us.

It would start raining in the Sahara today. According to geologists, the Sahara used to be an inland sea, and then the rains had stopped. The area turned into a desert as everything around it dried up. The biblical lands of the Old Testament literally turned into deserts and if not for the fact that oil was found in the region, it would not even have been a blip on the earth and long forgotten in the modern world. However, oil and riches changed all that and gave certain countries unprecedented power over other parts of the world. Even though it would not be a worldwide flood, the rains would flood a large portion of the Northern African Continent; rendering access to some of the oil rich regions difficult. It would probably also slow down the transportation to and from parts of the affected areas and slow delivery of oil to the world.

The hurricanes, seven of them hitting the south and eastern coasts of America, would literally paralyze the country for some time. Geo politics would be on hold for the U.S. In very short order, the country would not have all the fuel necessary to bolster its economy. The world would be crippled temporarily in the financial markets as well as the industrial North America. Oil refining in the south and the Gulf States would come to a halt and parts of America’s breadbasket in the Midwest would flood, destroying crops and property. Once hurricanes hit, they normally travelled north.

I could feel the plane beginning its descent, so I quickly shaved, turned off the shower, dried off, and got dressed. I transferred all my things to the new pockets, and noticed my passport on the table. I put it inside the safari type pocket of my shirt and buttoned it down. I guess someone had packed for me. All my favorite toiletries were there for me. Then it dawned on me, my passport was with my wife. Therefore, someone had to have gone and gotten it. I wondered why Lois did not say anything to me about it when I called. I guess she was so upset that she had forgotten. I would have to ask her about it the next time we spoke.

When I came out of the galley area, Veronica was buckled into the seat facing mine. She simply said, “We need to buckle up. We are ready to land.”

I asked her, “Are we landing at Ben Gurion Airport?”

“No, too many people, too many questions. We are landing on a private airstrip near the Jordan Border.”

“Why there?”

“That is where we will meet the other witness. It is important that the two of you meet. When he talks from now on, it will bring havoc to the world and the Jews. You in turn, will be his opposite, and try to appease others as you deal with all the Gentiles of the world. You know Jack, that includes almost everywhere in the world: China, India, all of Europe, and the Americas. You have a very short time to accomplish so much.”

The other witness will also protect you. If you are threatened by any country, individual or group, he will use his power over everything on earth to cause them to leave you alone, while you go about your work. He in turn will deal with God’s chosen people on his own terms and will make many enemies. He will also deal with the Muslims and Israel’s enemies. However, like you, God protects him until the halfway point of Tribulation. Then at that time, your work will be done.”

I just looked at Veronica and did not know what to say. I could say absolutely nothing. I was still in shock that my God and my savior Jesus Christ had chosen me to do this. It was literally overwhelming to me and I now had the fear of God in my heart.

Veronica must have seen that I was uneasy and she simply said, “You spent your whole life selling things to people they did not want. You are well trained and will do well. You will succeed Jack, you will succeed.”

I saw the cabin lights flash denoting we were landing and my mind started to move off in a far away direction.