Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 63


10:00 AM EST Day two of 1260 New York - Bear News, John Roddenburg’s Office

At Bear News in New York, John was going over the final details of the rally in Kansas City. Jack South’s party had given the network the exclusive coverage of the event from the stage. However, they were also to feed the Jumbotron’s and the other closed circuit units across the city.

Then as he knew, they had to time delay the feed to the other networks and affiliates worldwide. However, Network News and Brad Williams had been excluded from the coverage. They were going to court. Oh well, let them he thought. By the time they got an order, it would be over, but maybe not. It was not his problem. Most viewers would watch Bear, for almost everyone knew that Jack would not talk to The Network.

That was not all that was on his plate today. In fear of Jack’s predictions, the Asian markets had taken a huge dive overnight, which rolled over to Europe this morning. In addition, the Dow in New York was down over eight hundred points. It was assumed that if this continued, the Securities and Exchange Commission would close the markets until some of this boiled over or calmed down.

He also had the problem with the U.S. Government going into some secret meeting. He only knew that most of the high-ranking members of Congress and the entire cabinet were en-route to Camp David. There was a complete blackout on this with no information available.

His thoughts returned to Thursday’s rally. He, John Roddenburg, would be in Kansas City broadcasting live the rest of the week. He was introducing Jack South to the public, and they would conduct a one on one interview with Jack after the rally. The whole world would be watching.

The only thing that concerned him now was that Jack’s people had not given them any idea of the content of the sermon. Alternatively, what would Jack be saying? He had concerns. Jack might do something radical and the mass of people that were there would riot and cause irreparable damage. Now, he had also just found out that the President and his family were attending along with dignitaries from everywhere in the world; with the Waldger Group holding its meetings after the rally or sermon on Friday and Saturday. All of his was insane and he was right in the middle of it. The next few days would probably make his career or totally end it all in one day.

His phone rang and he answered, “Hello, this is John Roddenburg. May I help you?”

“John, this is Sherry. Your limo is downstairs to take you to the airport for your trip to Kansas City. What should I tell them?”

“Tell them I’m on my way, and thanks.”

Well, he thought to himself, its showtime.