Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 64


5:00 PM CEST Day two of 1260 Brussels

His cell phone rang with a particular ring tone, which meant he needed to answer very quickly. It was Presley in New York, who was supposed to keep tabs on Jack. David answered saying, “Yes it’s me. What do you have?”

“We finally tracked the flight they took. It was a private jet leased to his attorney in Chicago. It went in the direction of Israel using normal flight plans and tracking. It appears they diverted to a landing strip owned by a Jordanian national near the Israeli border with Jordan.

“So where are they then?” David asked.

“By the time we were able to use our resources, they had already refueled the jet and taken off. We were however, able to get to one of the workers they used. They only said Jack was alone and with a woman whom some called Veronica. They also came and went in an older Israeli troop transport that was left at the landing strip. The driver of that truck was unknown to the person we questioned. We used as much persuasion as we could before he died. And that is all we have.”

David thought this over. “Okay. We know he needs to get to Kansas City, which is my destination also. You need to try to pick up his trail there if you can. Use whatever resources you have to find him before his rally Thursday night. Also, find out who this Veronica is and get some more information on her, that truck, and the driver or drivers.”

“Okay, boss,” Presley said, “We will do what we can.”

David sat back in the limo and thought everything over. Where did they go? Who did they go to see? What were they missing here? There was something not right about any of this and supernatural issues were not his thing. Pluses and minuses were things that made scientific sense and those were his world. Who was this person?

The driver stopped the car at one of the delivery gates at Brussels International Airport. After a few exchanges of paperwork and a guard looking at David in the rear seat, clearance was given for the limousine to enter. They drove to a secure area where only military planes were allowed and the driver stopped the car. The door was opened for David.

When he exited the vehicle he was greeted by a U.S. Air Force Captain.

“Mr. Matthews?”

David nodded, yes.

“Follow me.”

He was taken to an AM400 transport plane which was a new military plane primarily used by Belgium, France, Italy, and Britain. He looked at the plane feeling concerned that as a military transport, it was going to be an uncomfortably long flight to the U.S. However, when he boarded, it was almost as if he had stepped into a luxury hotel on the Riviera.

David was immediately greeted by a host, who asked for his ID. He handed it to her. After she checked his identification and returned it she directed him past a set of seats to the middle cabin, which opened up into what appeared to be a lounge. As he walked in and looked over to his right, he saw several of the people he had seen at their meeting yesterday. Then from the back, he heard the voice of Aafre Waldger, who said, “Welcome aboard David. Please have a seat.”