Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 66


6:00 PM CEST Day two of 1260 Israeli Jordan Border, Private Airstrip

I watched the oil lights burning along the airstrip to outline the runway, although it was daylight when our jet took off from the private airstrip. My thoughts were on the event on Thursday in Kansas City; and what had just occurred in the cave. I thought about how close I was to the men who knew and or had seen God, and knew Jesus as a friend and as a person who lived in heaven. The three:  Gabriel, Ariel, and Elijah were all from heaven, not earth and I, lowly Jack, had just spent a part of the day with them in a cave in Israeli territory. It was just like in the stories of the Bible, literally, in a cave discussing God’s plans for humanity and God’s wrath.

My thoughts were interrupted by Veronica, who asked if I was okay and if I wanted anything. She offered some bottled water, a beer, and of course, cigarettes. She wanted to know if I was hungry or if I just wanted to sleep.

I just stared at her and wondered if she also was from heaven. “Veronica,” I said, “Who are you?”

“I am God’s servant and that is all you need to know for now. I am here to help you as best I can under these circumstances. I am your helper for whatever you may need, for I have been told what to do and I will faithfully do all that I can for you, and for my God and Savior.” She then again offered me the drinks. I took the beer. As she moved away, I wondered who she really was.

I opened the beer and gulped a big swallow. I did not realize how thirsty I was. Then I picked up the package of cigarettes and lit one. How funny I thought. I could not smoke on a commercial airline anymore, but here, I could. I was drinking a beer, smoking a cigarette, moving across the skies in a multimillion-dollar jet, and anything I wanted right now, I guessed that I could have. However, all I wanted was rest. Yes, I wanted to go to sleep and wake up and for all of this to have been taken from me. At this time, I would rather have been at home with my family, looking for a job and worrying about money tomorrow. Instead, I was flying high, meeting with God’s messengers, and moving forward to ‘I do not know where or what’.

I thought of Shraya and the power he had, and how he had said who he really was. He was Elijah, the prophet, who was taken up by God in a chariot of fire. I also thought of our conversation; about who I really was. With the rocking of the plane and the effects of the beer, I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper into sleep, which was my only escape from the tasks at hand.