Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 65


10:00 AM CST Day two of 1260 Chicago, Illinois - Mark Anderson’s Law Office

Mark took the fax from his personal fax machine and noticed immediately the seal of the Attorney General of The United States on the cover page. He immediately knew that it was of utmost importance and probably had to do with something Jack was doing or had done. He scanned the cover sheet and then moved to the second page.

Mr. Anderson, it read,

We are concerned that your client, Mr. Jack South, may have left the United States and entered another country without first processing through not only U.S. Customs, but also Israeli Customs. 

We have it on reliable sources that Mr. Jack South, a citizen of the United States, boarded a private plane at LaGuardia Airport in New York City, New York yesterday afternoon at approximately 1:45 p.m. EST; and then flew to a deserted airstrip on the border of Israel and Jordan.

As you well know, any citizen who avoids normal entrance and exit without going through customs, and illegally entering another country, is considered a violation of international law, especially with the Israelis. 

The whereabouts of your client is of great interest to us and if in fact he did enter a country illegally, rest assured we will cooperate if that country wishes to prosecute and or inquire of Mr. Jack South’s intent, while illegally in that country.

Please advise immediately of any knowledge you may or may not have, before we issue a warrant for your client as a fugitive.


Kenneth Giles

Attorney General

United States of America.

Damn, Mark said to himself. Now what has he done?