Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 74


1:00 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - Conference Room

The meetings at Camp David were becoming heated. Many of the members of the government were not really in accord with the President declaring martial law as of Monday when the first hurricane was to hit Houston. He was getting very tired of hearing things like “Mr. President this cannot be done. The people will not stand for it,” “Mr. President, this has never been done before,” or “Mr. President, we are a democracy.”

He only replied, “The founding fathers wrote the Constitution and put it into law. Then after 911, the Congress and the Justice Department affirmed the Presidential power to implement it. And I, the President of the United States, feel I have to impose it.”

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Instead of the latecomer they expected, such as Secretary of State, it turned out to be one of the sentries posted at the door. He had a piece of paper in his hand, which looked like a note. He spoke with the Sergeant of Arms at the door and pointed over to the President.

“Excuse me, sir,” said the Sergeant, “But we have an emergency message for you.”

“That’s fine, please bring it over.” He brought the folded sheet of paper over. Richard saw that it was actually a fax. He read the information. He then stood and said, “I need to address this quickly. Once I have dealt with this issue, I will be back to continue our discussions.”

The President walked out the door and motioned for Jamal to go with him. They went directly to his private office in the Camp.