Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 75


1:35 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

“Jamal,” Richard said as they sat down, “We have a major problem. It seems that our Attorney General has been tracking Mr. South and found out that he went to Israel: and that in doing so, did not process himself through Customs. His plane was escorted back from across the Mediterranean to an airbase in Northern Israel, called Ramat David. If I am correct in remembering, that is where we send prisoners when we do not want to get our hand caught in the cookie jar. What I mean is, that is where they send someone who is uncooperative. Am I correct?”

“Yes, Mr. President. That would be the place. How did we hear about this?”

“Jack’s Attorney, Mark Anderson, somehow got a communication from the Attorney General about issuing a warrant for Jack’s arrest as well as a call from Jack from his jet saying that the Israelis were forcing their jet down. He also knew that Jack had gone to Israel. We know that Mark has some connections there. He probably made a few calls and connected the dots. We are under very strict instructions not to harass Jack. And as you know, you do not play with Aafre, even a little.”

The President punched a button on the desk and his secretary, Rolinda answered, “Yes, Mr. President?”

“Go into the meeting room and have the Attorney General, Ken Giles, join us in my office. Would you please?”

“Yes, Mr. President. I will do it now.”

“What a mess we have Jamal. This pompous jerk I got shoved down my throat for Attorney General has now royally screwed us up. When Aafre finds out, he will be more than angry. Giles has been a pain in my behind since day one. I think his goal is to run against me in the next election and so he will do anything to destroy or discredit me. If the press gets a hold of this there will be riots everywhere, especially in Kansas City.”

“What is it you want to do about this, Mr. President?”

“Crucify the Attorney General, that’s what.”