Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 78


1:45 PM EST Day two of 1260 Somewhere over the Atlantic, AM4000 Jet

Aafre was speaking with one of his staff members while they worked on some statistics when he saw the flight attendant come into the lounge. She walked up to him, “Mr. Aafre, I need to speak with you.” She leaned down towards him and whispered in his ear.

Aafre immediately stood up and said, “Excuse me gentlemen, but I need to attend to some important business that has come up.”

He left the lounge cabin and went to the area right behind the cockpit. There was a secure communications link that he could use to make and receive secure calls. He closed the door and immediately called the White House’s special number. He was connected through their switchboard to Camp David, where President Stevenson currently was.

Aafre waited for the call to go through. When he finally got the President on the line, he listened to what he had to say and simply said, “Get him out of there now. Moreover, as for this Attorney General, I will take care of him myself. As I told you Stevenson, and I meant it, until I say, no one touches this person. Now, if he is not released within an hour, I will take matters into my own hands and use our own resources. So make sure the Prime Minister knows what needs to be done.”