Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 77


1:45 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - President Richard Stevenson’s Office

Ken Giles walked into the President’s office and Stevenson barked out, “Sit down Ken, in the chair closest to my desk. I want to be able to see you real well, I want to hear you real well, and as a matter of fact, I want to remember you just as you are, for when I get through with you, there will probably be little left for the buzzards to digest.”

Ken was used to the President’s tirades and waved his hand to dismiss what Stevenson had said, then asked, “What has gotten you so angry?”

“Jack South, that’s what. What the hell have you done?”

“Hey, I am just fulfilling the oath of my office. He snuck out of the country and into an ally’s country and he was caught. So what? Maybe they can figure out what he is doing. You sure as hell will not. So, when I found out what he had done, I called our contacts in Israel and told them to do as they wished. In addition, I assumed that since you will not try to find out what makes this guy tick, I would. And when I do, it will put an end to this hocus pocus he is spreading across this country, and the world, for that matter.”

The President looked at him and shook his head, “Ken, you have no idea what you may have done.” He pushed a call button on his desk and when Rolinda answered he said, “Get the Israeli Prime Minister for me immediately please. Tell him it is urgent.”