Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 80


8:55 PM CEST Day two of 1260 Ramat David Air Force Base, Level III Interrogation Room

They had turned off the lights and left. Again, it was pitch black. I doubted if they believed what I told them about the binder. What was strange to me is that I could actually read it and I had never ever seen anything like it before; but then obviously, they had not either.

My mind was playing with me again and I was still very cold. I was not looking forward to being tortured to get me to tell these people what I had said on national TV yesterday. That was about all they would ever get from me anyway. I really knew nothing else. I guess they could question me about the desert and the cave meeting, but they probably would not believe that either.

I was not sure what was going to happen to me. According to Old Testament scriptures, many were imprisoned for their beliefs. Maybe God was just testing me and this was just a part of the seasoning that he put his messengers or prophets through. I also wondered if I was strong enough to handle it and still be able to function afterwards. I wasn’t sure, but I did know that Gabriel had said that although I was chosen, I still had one-hundred percent free will; and if I chose to go against God’s wishes, I could do so.

I would not let that happen. If they beat me, I would tell the truth, no matter what, and let God take care of the rest of it. I started to recite the Lord’s Prayer when the lights came back on.