Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 81


9:00 PM CEST Day two of 1260 Ramat David Air Force Base, Level I Interrogation Room

Moshe had left the room, but the door was locked, so she was still a prisoner. She had no intention of trying to get out anyway. She would not get very far. Veronica felt that Moshe had probably gone to see if her story corroborated with Jack’s. If it did not, then they would turn up the heat and try to find out more, using their techniques.

She could well imagine that Jack was probably shackled, naked, and scared out of his wits downstairs. However, she also knew that he was now a man of God and this may well be some good seasoning for him. She had joined this group of Gabriel and Ariel’s several years ago after Shraya and she had had their little tryst. Then Shraya had explained who he really was. After she got over the initial shock of it, they recruited her. She converted to Christianity, resigned her position, and was sent to America to begin to lay out the plans, long before Jack ever knew he was going to be who he is now.

To think Jack thought she must be an angel. Well after today, he would know the truth and then she would tell him again that she is there to protect him and keep him safe; that this had all been worked out some time ago. However, she mused, she was not doing such a good job now, even in her own territory. Therefore, she was thinking about what must have happened in America that someone had stumbled on their whereabouts and overshot their authority. It really boiled down to three people that could order this. That would be the President, The Attorney General, or the Director of the CIA. No one else could make the request.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door open. Moshe walked in sat down and said, “Veronica, you must really have friends in very high places. Your jet is being refueled and your pilots and your precious Jack are being returned to you. However, I think it is important that you let Mr. South know that none of this really took place today. It might not bode well for him to run to the press and tell his story.”

“I can assure you that I doubt if your threats would be of much concern to him. I can also tell you that he has no reason to dwell on this; and I will do what I can. Now may I leave?”

“Sure you can. I wish you would stay longer though. Dinner with a bottle of fine wine would really make my day.”

“Go screw yourself Moshe. You know how I feel about that. Also, please return the binder that you removed from the plane.”

“Certainly, you can also have the other papers, including Jack’s passport.” He handed the binder to her. She noticed, as she looked in the folder that the papers were copies, not the originals. Where are the originals Moshe?”

“Ah, those we will keep here. I want to have it analyzed, especially if it really came from God. Then we may find out something else interesting. I am sure that Jack and I will meet again very soon, maybe in Jerusalem. Are you sure we cannot have dinner together again, just like old times?” he pouted.

“No, Moshe. Not now, not ever.”

“Okay my dear. Maybe you can fly back to the caves and get Shraya too,” as he laughed.

She hated that laugh, hated it so very much.