Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 82


2:10 PM EST Day two of 1260 Somewhere over the Atlantic, AM4000 Jet

Aafre was still in the forward cabin’s communications room when the phone rang. He picked it up, listened to the caller, and said, “Thank you.” He hung up the phone and stood to return to the lounge.

He laughed and said to himself. It was amazing how simple and trusting people really were. He had known about the file that Jack had, and using his considerable skill, had suckered the Attorney General into turning Jack in, thereby getting Jack into one of his associate’s clutches and getting the original document that had supposedly come from God. Even the Israeli government did not know that Moshe and the Director worked for him when needed. All men were corruptible, he thought. He would have to make sure they received a very large bonus soon. Now he needed to make sure Mr. Ken Giles, the Attorney General, would never have the opportunity to ever write a book or anything else. He was sure that he would not be missed, for Stevenson hated the man. Easy come, easy go. It was so easy.