Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 91


5:30 PM CST Day two of 1260 Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk

The announcer began, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Bear News tonight with John Roddenburg. We are live from the Liberty Memorial Park in Kansas City, Missouri where Thursday night we will be exclusively broadcasting the self-proclaimed Witness of God’s sermon at 7:30 p.m. Tonight is our two-hour special edition on the state of the world. Here is your host: John Roddenburg.”

“Good evening America and the world,” John began. “In the past thirty-five hours the world we knew came to an end. With the advent of the Witness from God, as he calls himself. After his proclamations in not only the U.S., but also Northern Africa and the Middle East, we are all watching to see if Jack South continues to be one hundred percent accurate in his predictions, or prophecies, as others call them. Today is Tuesday evening and yes viewers, it is raining in Northern Africa and the Middle East. This makes Jack, once again, one hundred percent right.”

“Tonight we are covering this story from coast to coast, border to border, and continent to continent. We are going to start with an update from Southern California. We will then be going across the Southern coastal cities talking to the leaders and citizens of each city that Jack has said will be in the path of the hurricanes he predicted. We will also be speaking to people who live on the Gulf and east coasts who will also begin to feel the effects very soon. Then we will move on to Africa, where we have our correspondents set up in major cities in Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries.”

“First, let’s go to Brian Wilcox who is standing by; live in Pasadena, California for an update in Southern California. Brian?”

“Thank you, John. It is about three thirty here in Pasadena. You can see behind me that it looks like a war zone. I am standing in downtown Pasadena and as you look around there is nothing here but rubble. You will also see troop carriers that are being loaded with refugees or people with nowhere to go. They are being transported by troop carriers to buses and are being taken to a makeshift FEMA camp at Twenty-nine Palms. Our estimates, since the military moved into the area yesterday, are that over a hundred thousand people have been relocated so far. They are lined up everywhere in all the areas that were destroyed and are waiting for transportation to hopefully bring them to food and shelter. There is not any structure that has not been destroyed in these areas. There are also no utilities. Firefighters are using pool water when available because all the waterlines are broken and the broken pipes are flooding certain areas. People are desperate.”

“Have we been able to get a news crew into the camp at Twenty-nine Palms?” John asked.

“No John. The military has refused any entrance to the area. Actually, all the roads coming into the L.A. area were shut down because of damage. This extends from Palm Springs to L.A. from the east, and Orange County to the South, on both the 405 and the 5. The same is true from the north. Many of the roads are not passable for regular traffic, so that is why the troop haulers are being used.”

“Any reports of criminal activity like looting, robbing, or other crimes?”

“Yes. Occasionally you can hear shots off in the distance. We also understand that all of downtown L.A. has been ransacked; but once again, we are unable to get our cameras in certain closed off areas.”

“Do you feel like you are being censored, Brian?” John asked.

“Definitely John, definitely.”

“Okay Brian, Standby; we may get back to you.”

“Now let’s turn to our Washington correspondent, Debbie Cochran. She is outside Camp David where certain members of Congress, the President’s Cabinet, and the President himself, have been holed up since 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time this morning. Debbie?”

“Hello John. We are still outside the gates of Camp David here in Maryland. We have all been here since around 10:00 this morning. You can see around, me all the news vans from about every news media or agency you could think of. They, like us, are waiting to see if anyone from inside is going to make any kind of statement. The only unusual thing that happened today is that Ken Giles, the Attorney General, left the camp several hours ago in a limousine. It was assumed he was going back to Washington; but he has disappeared and has not gotten in touch with anyone since. He was expected at his office around five or so, but has yet to show up.”

“Do you know who is present there at Camp David with the President?”

“Well, there are the President, his immediate staff, his Cabinet, the Majority and Minority Leaders of Congress. We are also under the impression that the Joint Chiefs of Staff are here. There are also rumors that they are spending the night and will not disperse until tomorrow morning, at the earliest. Oh, and some professors in meteorology are here. One, I think, is from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. His name is Professor Eugene Rawlins.”

“Thanks, Debbie. We will get back to you later. Please stand by.”

“Before we break for a commercial, I want our viewers to understand something I am seeing. I think there is something going on and we are not being told what the government may be planning, not only in California, but also at Camp David. Whatever it is, I personally believe it will affect the individual freedom of every American citizen. We will be right back.”