Enoch The Gentile Witness by Samuel David - HTML preview

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Chapter 92


6:38 PM EST Day two of 1260 Camp David, Maryland - Conference Room

Jamal, like the others there at Camp David, had settled down to a dinner set up in the conference room after the seemingly unending monotone presentation of General Stoups for the past few hours. They had set up a couple of wide screen TVs. Bear News was on one screen and The Network on the other. Almost everyone was watching the Bear newscast and John Roddenburg, who was a pain for the administration, broadcasting live from Kansas City in anticipation of Jack’s Rally on Thursday night. Jack had everyone’s interest.

The volume on The Network broadcast was very low and Jamal had to strain to hear the words being said. He thought about switching over to subtitles, but decided to move closer to the monitor instead. After grabbing his plate and moving to the other end of the table, and hearing what was being said he immediately found the remote and turned up the volume.

Brad Williams was saying, “In other news today, we have learned through our sources that Jack South, the alleged Witness from God, had made an illegal trip to Israel by landing a private jet near Zeta, Israel, which is near the Israeli-Jordanian border. It is believed that he then took a troop transport truck to a mountainous area where he disappeared for a time with an unknown Israeli accomplice, only known as Veronica. After returning later, they took off again on their private jet and were starting to leave Israeli Airspace over the Mediterranean when Israeli jets forced them to land at Ramat David Air Force Base in Northern Israel.”

“It has further been reported that the Israelis detained Jack South on illegal entry into the country and he was temporarily detained in a holding cell at the base. President Richard Stevenson, on hearing of the situation, contacted the Israeli authorities and agreed to offer Israel the controversial new bombers designed and built by Lockheed as ransom for his release. We have not yet confirmed this, but the sources that we have are quite reliable.”

“Also, this is just in.” Brad looked at a piece of paper handed to him, and then back at the camera with a somber face. “Ken Giles, Attorney General of the United States, has been found shot to death. A farmer who was checking his fence about eight miles from Camp David found his body late today. Local authorities and the FBI are on site and we have one of our correspondents, Mike Bloomer, in the area. Mike?”

“Yes, Brad. As you can see, the entire area is taped off and an investigation is underway. What we know for sure is that Attorney General Ken Giles was at Camp David earlier, but had ordered a limousine from the government carpool to return him to Washington, at around 2:30 p.m. today. Ken had called his assistant and told her that he expected to be there between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m., at the latest.”

“Did she contact the authorities about him being missing?”

“No, she did not. She thought that he might have taken a detour prior to coming to the office.”

“Any word on where the limousine originated from or where it is now?”

“We don’t know any details Brad. We do know that the limo came from the Camp David Government carpool. The local sheriff and the FBI are on site collecting information, and the vehicle is still here.”

“Do you know if his family has been contacted as yet?”

“No, we don’t know that either.”

“Thanks Mike.” Brad turned to the camera, “That was Mike Bloomer reporting from a field about eight miles from Camp David, where authorities have confirmed that Ken Giles, Attorney General of the United States, has been found shot to death. As we get more news on this, we will pass it on to you.”

Jamal noticed that everyone was now watching The Network for two reasons. One, it appeared that Brad Williams had suggested the President had paid a ransom to spring Jack South and two, Ken Giles was dead.