Eposical by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

The 10 Layers of Coup’s Remorse

Peastro’s eyes slowly opened and a foot from his face was Coup with a devilish smirk on his face.

Peastro’s eyes grew wide then he tried to escape, but he was locked inside a 1 foot thick glass case-his hands and feet were bound with 2 inch thick titanium shackles. On either side of the case there were 2

large black springs-with flat steel fist like ends on each-inside the case with him.

“Please, Peastro, don’t struggle there will be time for that later,” said Coup calmly as he smiled at Peastro.

The room they were in was the weight room on the Debrist Morou. It had 30 different workout machines as well as a large 30 person hot tub. The walls were covered in small phrases like” It Matters”

and “It’s Still Yesterday.” The floors were covered in a thick red carpet that had pictures from every stage of Dramkick’s life sewn into it. There was a loud synth song playing by the band Praem Lovers called We’ll try Again Yesterday.

Praem lovers are a 4 piece band that uses computers instead of instruments. Their lead singer Dask was a famous General of Dramkick’s before he decided he’d had enough with war and started his love affair with beautiful young ladies. He has 47 illegitimate children and has never been married. Dask was famous for coining the phrase,” We didn’t win the war today, we ended the tyranny.”

“Coup, look I…if you’re gonna kill me then just do it at least give me that,” said Peastro sternly as he looked at Coup and then he saw Mela walk in laughing with Dramkick at her side. Peastro shouted,”

you Traitor, Dramkick, you worthless Densk!”

Coup laughed and said snidely,” Now, Peastro, what is happening is your pride is taking a hit. Fear not it will take thousands more in the days to come.”

Smoothly Coup pulled out a black remote control that had 4 round buttons on top and waved it in front of Peastro slowly.

“Wait a minute wait just…what are you gonna do with that?” asked Peastro nervously as he looked at the remote then at Coup smiling snidely.

“Here’s kiss from old Coup your one time friend and mentor,” said Coup brightly then he pressed the top orange button and the 2 black fists-from inside the case-punched Peastro on either side of his face.

Peastro let out a scream of agony as his face was now bruised on both sides along his jawline.

“Just kill me already, Coup, or are you too much of a coward!” shouted Peastro then he spit blood on the front of the case.

Coup just nodded his head no then pressed the middle orange button. Instantly 2 of the fists shot a blue electricity through his midsection-causing Peastro to shake violently and shout uncontrollably.

“How’s he holding up?” asked Dramkick as he stood next to Coup with Mela on the other side.

“Well, see that’s the thing, he still has indignation intact, but we’ve only just begun. I would wager he’ll start to beg for his life in a few hours,” said Coup then as he looked at Peastro and then said snidely,” You should have remembered the Line when you could. Now we’re past forgiveness we’ve moved on to total satisfaction.”

“What does it matter, you did terrible things to the Kaa for thousands of years. You had to know that there would be a debt collected. So don’t act so innocent it only stinks of entitlement. You weren’t entitled to anything, Coup!” shouted Peastro as he smiled showing his bloody teeth.

“Silly boy, I am entitled to everything! I own the very core of the T sun and a deceitful Kaa like your self could never grasp the Vindijan’s divinity! So get comfy, Lover, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do,”

said Coup snidely then he pressed all 4 buttons.

Peastro got punched by the 2 black fists, electrified by the middle 2, and a yellow goo (called Billow) oozed into the bottom of the case.

Billow had the ability to make a person crawl out of their own skin. Every inch of your body it touches will instantly experience stabbing pains that stay until it had been thoroughly washed off.

Peastro let out a glass shattering scream and tried desperately to keep his feet out of the Billow as the case slowly filled with it. Coup and Mela laughed and Mela said coldly,” Never trifle with the Line, Peastro, we’re everywhere and everyone, every second of every day. The Builder chose us so how can we be wrong.”

Peastro looked coldly at Mela and then said fiercely,” We were all chosen for this life none any greater than the next. There will come a day when I am rid of these bonds and that, Precious Mela, will be your last.”

“Oh Builder, the delusions are setting in early, Coup,” said Mela quickly and then she and Coup burst out laughing.

Coup said smoothly,” Make your peace, Son, those bonds will be the last friends you ever know.”

Peastro felt nothing when they spoke. He just had a feeling that someone was watching them, but he looked around and saw no one. Then he saw several pairs of eyes on all of the walls and he blinked to make sure it was real. He shouted,” Who are you?!”

Everyone turned to see who he was talking too and saw no one. Coup looked back at Peastro with an evil smile on his face and said snidely,” You’re losing your mind, Peastro, there is no one here to help you and there never will.”

The eyes in the walls-and the bodies they were attached to-came blasting out of the walls and filled the room with 40 soldiers. They were wearing black thin flexible armored suits and thin red cloth masks that had faces painted onto the front of them of the Gershrun.

The Gershrun were a murderous family that consisted of 16 boys who had a gene that made them lust for violence and murder. The Gershrun had traveled all over the universe in their ship (the Potdap) and randomly fought and murdered thousands. The Gershrun were eventually destroyed when the Potdap got sucked into a black hole accidentally.

Each of the 40 soldiers had a dark green Koul gun in their hands pointed at Coup, Mela, and Dramkick.

The Koul gun is an automatic laser shotgun that can fire a powerful spread of deadly laser bursts.

The Koul is 19 inches long and has an endless power supply as well as a black handle and trigger.

“Now hold on who are you and what are you doing here?” asked Coup as he looked around at each of them.

Then another soldier fell from the ceiling in the same armored suit, but his head was made up of dark blue and white light that gave him Kaa like features (he also had a Koul gun, but with a shimmering golden hand held computer that was releasing an odd odor). He walked graciously over to Coup and tapped him on the chest and said,” I am Eposical, and I am an Udian from Udidia on the other side of the universe. No need to introduce yourselves, Coup, or Peastro, Mela, or even you, Dramkick, for I’ve felt your powerful souls for quite some time.”

“Eposical, do yourself a favor and leave with your life. Your aggression will not be tolerated,” said Coup boldly then he went to tap Eposical’s chest, but Eposical grabbed his finger and snapped it like a toothpick.

Coup shouted in agony and then he was about to attack, but Eposical aimed his Koul gun at him, nodded no and said sternly,” Now, on Udidia we have a term known as Trapapition which means when a person has crossed the acceptable level of confidence and become their ego. There is nothing more disgusting or worse a crime to commit than this on our home world and is punishable by death. We feel that humility is the only trait worth embracing of the many there are. And…when someone refuses as each of you have done, then we step in and do the job for you. Trapapition is a virus that corrupts all that come into contact with it, but like all diseases it can be cured so…”

“So what happens now?” asked Dramkick then he threw a glance at Coup.

“This, silly,” said Eposical then he pulled out a small dart gun and fired Caplap darts into Mela, Dramkick, and Coup.

“This isn’t ove…” said Coup as he fell to the floor.

Mela fell on top of him in a heap, but Dramkick continued to stand with a smile on his face. Eposical looked at him in disgust and then said slyly,” Nice trick, but it won’t last.”

Then Dramkick’s eyes rolled back into his head and his knees buckled and he hit the floor hard.

Peastro saw this, but was too in pain to say or do anything-because the case was now half full with Billow.

“Get him out of there,” said Eposical sternly to his soldiers as they hurried over to Peastro.

They put a small Natr charge on the front of the case and moved back from it. The Natr is a red hexagon with a black firing button and it explodes in slightly before out.

The Natr exploded shattering the case and sending the Billow out onto the rug as it melted a hole in it.

Peastro stumbled out of the case and said,” You don’t have to drug me, I’ll go wherever you want.”

“Are you sure about that I can’t have you running off?” asked Eposical then he aimed his Koul gun at him.

“You just saved my life I’ll forever be indebted to you, Eposical. Trust me I won’t run,” said Peastro as he shrugged his shoulders.

“O.K. fine leave him be, but grab the others and hurry we’ve dallied here long enough,” said Eposical then he pressed a green button on his hand held computer and his ship (the Famocis) adjoined to the side of the Debrist Morou. The Famocis bore a large hole in the Debrist Morou and Eposical, Peastro, Mela, Coup, Dramkick, and all the Udian soldiers hurried onto the Famocis.

Inside the Famocis there were no walls, only sections and it had various platforms and decks. There were bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, fitness rooms as well as many others all in the open air. In the center of this large room there was a diamond shaped steel chamber that was 50 feet high and 30 feet wide at its base. It had the word,” Clofenac,” written on the side which meant in Udian the last bastion.

Around the giant ship there were hundreds of Udian soldiers flying around with anti-gravity backpacks. The room looked like a bees nest and there were dozens of large and small holograms of Udian movies and TV shows around the enormous room. Hanging from the ceiling there was Eposical’s personal quarters that had a 30 foot bed, a reflection pool, a study, a living room, a bathroom and a martial arts studio.

The outside of the ship was dark brown and had gold trim, with hundreds of large laser canons as well as numerous heat seeking missiles. On the front was the eyeless face of Dolpipi Margle.

Dolpipi Margle was the supreme ruler of Udidia and ruled for a thousand years without any challenge from his people. Dolphpi was 8’9” and over 2000 pounds and had long legs and a short upper body. His arms were muscle upon muscle and the knuckles on his hands were the size of baseballs. His skin was yellow with streaks of blue throughout. His hair was seal black and had short tubes of metal curled into it. His face was like the moon in that it was endless craters. His eyes were his defining characteristic in that they were such a light shade of blue that you could look him directly in the eye and not tell he was looking at you.

As Peastro walked into the Famocis he felt incredibly nervous yet also relieved. The way he saw it he wasn’t going to last long in that case. At least here he had a chance of escape and he knew that the others were powerless here. He was the one Eposical trusted hence he had all the cards.

“Eposical, could I have something to eat I am very weak and in pain and I think it would help?”

asked Peastro in a dry tone.

“Of course you can, Peastro, we are not interested in your death. We are going to save you from a terrible fate. I think you’ll learn sooner than the rest. I feel certain of that,” said Eposical warmly then he pointed towards the kitchen.

“I hope so, thank you, Eposical,” said Peastro quietly.

Peastro watched as Dramkick, Mela, and Coup were carried past him on hovering platforms. He looked at Coup’s closed eyes and smiled slightly as he felt vindication. Then he went up a small flight of stairs and into a large kitchen.

It had a 10 foot wide refrigerator filled with nothing, but pies-hundreds of them. There was also a round revolving cabinet in the middle of the room that had snacks and included Powcha chocolate bars.

Powcha’s are made from a highly potent-and addictive-black chocolate. They were so addictive that it was impossible to eat only one because the body would go through immediate withdrawal symptoms and force you to eat another.

On either side of the refrigerator there were gold statues of Dolpipi wrestling a Gorveneese shark.

The Gorveneese have 3 heads with only 1 eye per head and it has large menacing red teeth. It is known to slowly kill its prey and it was thought that it took joy in watching you suffer.

Peastro walked up to the refrigerator door and just as it opened a Udian \ named Halor Way, grabbed his wrist and said sternly,” You will wait until I have eaten, Boy, and not until.”

“Its fine Eposical said I could eat. Please let go of my wrist,” said Peastro calmly as he looked at Halor.

Halor Way is a hand taller than Peastro and much larger. His face looks like a lion’s with very striking features. He also has a wide Mohawk of blue hair that starts just above his eyebrows.

Halor let go of Peastro’s wrist and then he slapped Peastro across the face and shouted,” You’ll eat when I’m finished now get out of my way!” Peastro wanted to kill him, but he knew he couldn’t. So he looked away from the refrigerator and made a point not to touch his aching cheek. Halor opened the fridge and said snidely,” What do I want to eat I can’t decide. Maybe you , no I’m just not in the mood.

Possibly this one,” said Halor as he picked up ad Nacvie pie and then took a bite and said coyly as he put it back,” No you’re too sweet. Oh this chocolate pie could be the winner.”

Peastro stood silently and showed no emotion as he let his thoughts focus on the day Coup discovered him. The more he thought of that day and the minute details the more relaxed he became and soon he was no longer angry.

Halor took out a pie and stood in front of the fridge eating it. He looked over at Peastro with a smirk on his face and then said,” This is just what I needed and I couldn’t have WAITED another second for it.

Every day’s a lesson, Peastro, and this is day one for your 10,000 days. So drink it in and remember your place beneath our feet.”

“Of course I will do whatever you ask. I am sorry I didn’t move away from the refrigerator when you walked up, honestly,” said Peastro nervously then he looked at Halor’s chest. He thought how easily it would be to burst Halor’s heart with the Coreto Eye, but he knew it wouldn’t be wise as he thought better of it.

“That’s right you Worthless Tyrant! And if it happens again I’m going to beat you to death! You’re nothing here, nothing more than a smudge on a toilet seat. So don’t ever think you can look in my direction, got it!” shouted Halor then he punched Peastro in the mouth.

Peastro’s mouth bled and he knew he couldn’t retaliate or he was done for. Peastro cleared his mind of all thoughts and said,” I’ve got it and I am tremendously sorry. Please forgive me.”

Halor pushed him into the statue of Dolpipi, then glared at Peastro and walked away slowly. Peastro picked himself up and looked around at the other Udian’s and saw them smiling and laughing. It was all he could do to stop himself from going ballistic. Casully a beautiful black haired female soldier walked over to him and asked warmly,” Are you going to be alright? Hi I’m Valvis Zoran.”

Valvis Zoran has classic features and light violet eyes. She is 5’10” and very thin and has an athletic figure. She also has a tattoo of Meeram Isgood on each of her earlobes.

Meeram Isgood was a spiritual advisor and teacher to every leader on Udidia until he passed 40 years earlier. Meeram invented the emotion delaying technique (known as the Arink) that has you delay every emotion you were about to feel for 2 seconds and then release. The Arink shows people that their emotions are not as uncontrollable as they had thought and could be harnessed for their benefit.

“I don’t know, my mind is racing through feelings of hatred and violence and now shame, Valvis.

I’m sorry for the things I’ve done, but I can’t take them back!” said Peastro as he started sobbing.

Valvis put her arms around him and said softly,” We will teach you and help you with the what to do now part. We’re not all bad, we just can’t tolerate your pride filled realities any more. You’re hurting everyone that comes near you and it has to stop, Peastro, for everyone’s sake.”

“I want to change, I do please help me, Valvis, please help me,” said Peastro softly as his voice started to crack and he shook.

Valvis kissed Peastro on the cheek and hugged him tighter. Valvis said warmly,” You don’t have to ask for our help, it’s yours forever just let go of your evil ways, Peastro, set them adrift.”

“I will I will, Valvis, I can,” said Peastro as he wept and clutched Valvis tightly.