Escaping From Paradise by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


Jenny waited in the chair in her bedroom inside the mansion.

Then her bedroom door slammed open, and Marshall Fisher stormed inside with Charlie, cowboys Tony, Steve, Ray, and Tony.

Jenny got scared when she saw the fire in Marshall Fisher’s eyes.

“Hi honey,” she said to appease the Marshall.

It didn’t work as he continued to march over to her with fire in his eyes. “How the hell did Josh get this?” he yelled at her while he flashed the instructions in her face

Jenny shook in fear knowing she was caught.

Fisher slapped her hard across her face knocking her and the chair over to the floor.

Marshall Fisher reached down and grabbed a handful of hair. He painfully brought her up to her feet, then he slapped her hard again, sending her down to the floor.

Jenny sobbed while she lay on the floor, scared to death.

“What should we do with the bitch?” cowboy Tony asked the Marshall.

Marshall Fisher just stared down at Jenny while he pondered her fate.

Outside on Paradise Lane, Anita walked up and down the street in search of Josh.

She walked over and peeked inside the General Store and saw it was void of town folk.

She rushed down to the wooden stage at the end of the street and searched for Josh, but he wasn’t there.

Anita slowly walked down the street, wondering what happened to the love of her life.

Harold rushed up to Anita. “Anita, I need to speak to you,” he said and looked worried.

Anita looked irritated with Harold. “I’m busy,” she replied with a snap.

“It’s important. It’s about Josh.”

Anita looked concerned. “What is it?”

“I saw your father and some cowboys take Josh to the Marshall’s Office.

She got concerned while she glanced over at the Marshall’s Office.

“Thank you.”

“Ah Anita, I was hoping,” he said but stopped when Anita bolted off toward the mansion.

Harold ran after Anita.

In Jenny’s bedroom inside the mansion, she sobbed on the floor while Marshall Fisher, Charlie, and cowboys Tony, Steve, and Tony towered over her.

“How dare you betray me!” Marshall Fisher yelled at Jenny, then he leaned down and grabbed a handful of hair then painfully brought her back up to her feet.

“I need to get rid of you, but differently. Hanging is too easy,” Marshall Fisher said while he got in her face and pulled hard on her hair from the back of her head.

The bedroom door quietly cracked opened, and Anita listened.

Cowboy Tony got a huge grin while he had an evil idea. “Why don’t we tie her to the train tracks. Way out in the grassy field.

Marshall Fisher looked a little baffled at his comment.

“You know, like in the old silent movies,” cowboy Tony replied with a grin.

Cowboy Steve’s eyes widen with joy. “Yeah, just like Snidely Whiplash!”

Marshall Fisher thought about his suggestion for a few seconds while he stared down at Jenny, then he smiled. “I like that plan, but I’m still going to hang Bryant,” he added with a broader grin.

A little while later, Anita ran out the front door of the mansion and ran down the steps in a panic.

She ran across the front yard and zipped past the cowboys guarding the entrance to the museum.

She ran down Paradise Lane, where Harold waited for her up against a building.

Harold looked concerned for Anita and ran after her.

Inside Jenny’s bedroom in the mansion, Marshall Fisher glared into Jenny’s eyes, causing her to pee in her bloomers.

“At high noon, take her out the back door and tie her at the tracks while I’m socializing at the party,” he told his cowboys.

Marshall Fisher left the bedroom with Charlie.

Cowboys Steve, Mark, Ray, and Tony stayed behind and guarded Jenny while she sat on the floor scared to death.

The door to the Marshall’s Office opened, and Anita rushed inside. She immediately peeked out of the window curtains and saw her father, and Charlie walking down Paradise Lane towards the party area.

She ran over to Josh’s cell while he sat on his bed and looked scared.

The door to the Marshall’s Office opened, and Harold stepped inside.

“What happened, Josh?”

Josh got off his cell bunk and rushed over to the cell bars.

“Your father found out Jenny, and I were going to leave Paradise,” he confessed.

Anita’s eyes welled up and looked hurt. “Why do men always want to leave me? Is it because I’m fat?”

“Anita, I’m sorry. I can’t marry someone I don’t love. I love Jenny. I don’t want to hurt you. I do like you, but only as a friend,” he replied and looked sorry for her.

Anita’s eyes continued to well up. “I’m always the friend.”

Harold stood by the closed door with a smile.

“All I’ve ever wanted was to get married and raise some kids,” Anita said.

“I’ll marry you, Anita, and I’ll never leave you,” Harold said by the door after deciding to become brave.

Anita turned around and saw Harold.


Harold walked up and grabbed Anita’s hand. “I fell in love with you the minute I saw you in the lobby of your father’s mansion for the Train House tour. You’re the reason I kept coming back,” Harold said with admiration for Anita in his eyes.

“But you didn’t say a word to me when you bought your ticket,” she replied a little shocked over his confession.

Harold looked ashamed. “I was scared. I didn’t think a beautiful woman like you could find a guy like me attractive,” he said while he looked down at the floor.

Anita had a gleam in her eye while she looked at Harold. ‘I didn’t know.”

“You two should be together,” Josh said from his jail cell.

Harold had a sparkle in his eye, thinking about Anita being his woman.

“Enough of this romantic crap, you’re father’s going to hang the both of us. We need your help!” James cried out in a panic from his jail cell.

“What can I do?” Anita asked.

“You mean, what can we do?” Harold replied.

Anita looked at Harold.

He held her hand and smiled.

“What can we do?” she said with a hint of a smile while she thought about Harold.

“I know your father probably has Jenny. So I need to find her,” Josh replied.

“He has her in the mansion. I overheard that they’re going to tie her to the train track in the grassy field,” Anita said.

Josh banged his head against the cell bars. “I need to get out of here!”

“Don’t forget about me!” James called out from his jail cell.

“Daddy and Uncle Charlie keeps the keys to the jail cells with them,” Anita told everybody.

Josh thought for a second, then motioned for Anita and Harold to get closer to his cell. The second they arrived, then he whispered his plan into their ears.

Anita and Harold nodded in agreement and rushed over to the door and left the Marshall’s Office.

“Are you going to fill me in with your plan?” James asked from his cell.

Josh proceeded to explain his plan to everybody.

Anita and Harold ran behind the General Store and got inside the wagon parked there.

She snapped the reins, and the wagon took off down the back alley.

Anita drove the wagon and stopped by the four cowboys camped out by the entrance to the mansion.

“Daddy said you can head over to the party now,” she told them.

The four cowboys looked excited about doing some partying, and they quickly stood up and walked off toward Paradise.

Anita snapped the reins and drove the wagon down the dirt road and headed toward the grassy field.

Anita raced the wagon down the dirt road through the grassy field.

Anita raced the wagon down the dirt road through the forest.

Anita raced the wagon down the dirt road through the desert.

The four Indians camped out near the cave in the base of the mountains stood up the second they saw the wagon racing at them.

Anita stopped the wagon by the cave. “Father wants you to have this and wants you to drink today to celebrate his wedding,” she told the Indians.

Harold held up a bottle of whiskey, and the eyes of the Indians lit up.

“We drink to celebrate Marshall’s wedding!” one of the Indians said while he walked over to Harold.

The other three Indians’ licked their lips in anticipation of drinking some whiskey.

“Yaaaa!” Anita called out while she snapped the reins.

The horses pulled the wagon away from the cave, and Anita turned it in the direction of the Indian Camp.

A little while later, Anita arrived at the Indian Camp, where two Indians greeted the wagon.

“Here’s some whiskey my father wants you to drink to celebrate his upcoming wedding. Drink it now as he’s having a town party,” Anita told the Indian while Harold held up five bottles of whiskey.

“We will drink!” the Indian said while he grabbed the bottles from Josh.

Anita snapped the reins and turned the wagon around and headed back to the cave.

Anita and Harold drove by the cave where the four Indians were sitting down and looked lethargic while they passed around the whiskey bottle.

“It’s working,” she told Harold while she headed the wagon back down the dirt road toward the forest.

Anita raced the wagon down the dirt road through the forest.

Anita raced the wagon down the dirt road through the grassy field.

Anita raced the wagon back into Paradise and went down the back alley behind the Marshall’s Office.

At the rear of the mansion, Charlie, and cowboys Steve, Mark, Ray, and Tony dragged Jenny bounded in rope out of the rear door and plopped her into the back of a wagon.

Anita parked the wagon by the rear of the Marshall’s Office.

“I’m going to get two horses out of the stables. I want you to get some rope out of the General Store,” she told Harold while she got down out of the wagon.

“Yes, dear,’ he replied while he climbed down out of the wagon.

Anita ran down the alley and headed toward the Stable.

Harold ran down the alley and headed to the General Store.

A few minutes later, Anita rode a horse and held the reins to a second horse while she headed back to the Marshall’s Office.

At the railroad tracks in the grassy field, cowboys Mark, Ray, Steve, and Tony finished tying bounded Jenny to the track.

“No!’ Jenny screamed out.

Steve leaned down and slapped her hard across her cheek. “Shut up!”

Cowboys Ray, Mark, Steve, and Tony mounted their horses and galloped off toward Paradise.

Harold waited by the wagon behind the Marshall’s Office with some rope in hand.

Anita soon arrived with the two horses. “Let’s tie the rope between the bars of the cell windows and the wagon’s horse,” she told Harold while she dismounted her horse.

Harold immediately snaked the rope through the bars of the two cell windows, and Anita assisted while they tied the other end around one of the horses.

At the wooden stage on Paradise Lane, the street was full of all the townfolk.

Marshall Fisher walked up on the stage and faced everybody. “May I have everyone’s attention,” he called out and looked saddened.

All eyes were on the Marshall while he faked, wiping a tear. “The start of the party will be delayed,” he said, then faked, wiping away another tear. “My beautiful fiancé has disappeared. She was last seen with Mister Bryant, who is now in a cell awaiting questioning. It appears he wanted her to himself,” he told everybody and faked, wiping away another tear.

Most of the audience believed his story and felt sorry for him, but the rest was a little suspicious.

“I can’t continue this party until she’s found,” he said while he looked at all of the waiting town folk.

Over at the table, the cowboys started passing around four opened whiskey bottles and started drinking.

Marshall Fisher walked down the steps off the stage and was immediately surrounded by some of the town butt kissers who offered help in finding Jenny.

The Marshall decided to stay and chat with these people since he knew the train would be soon running over Jenny.

Inside the Marshall’s Office, Josh and James stood by their cell bar doors and looked at the windows with the rope snaked through the bars.

They watched while the rope tightened around the bars.

The back wall creaked.

The back wall started to move outward.

The sound of wood cracking filled the jail cells.

The wall for Josh and James’ jail cell came crashing down.

Once the dust settled outside the rear of the Marshall’s Office, Josh and James ran through the hole to freedom.

Wilbur drove his crap wagon down the alley and saw the pile of rubble behind the Marshall’s Office.

He stopped his wagon by the other wagon where Harold was removing the rope from the horse.

“What the hell is going on here?” Wilbur asked while he stared at the hole in the back of the Marshall’s Office.

Josh ran up to Wilbur. “We’re getting out of this hell hole,” he told Wilbur.

“Please don’t tell,” Anita said while she walked up to Wilbur’s wagon.

Wilbur smiled. “I can slow that jerk down for you,” he said then looked at Anita. “Sorry about my choice of words, Miss Fisher,” he added.

“No problem. I’m thinking of calling him a name worse than that,” she replied while she climbed up inside the wagon.

“Thanks, Wilbur,” Josh said while he mounted his horse.

James mounted his horse.

Josh and James galloped their horses off down the street.

Harold climbed up in the wagon and sat next to Anita. She moved her wagon around and headed down the alley.

Wilbur moved his wagon and headed down the alley next to the Marshall’s Office and headed toward Paradise Lane.

At the train station, cowboy Tony waited at the dock for the Paradise Express to roll into the station.

Wilbur stopped his wagon by the alley entrance into Paradise Lane by the Marshall’s Office.

Wilbur quickly climbed down the wagon then opened up a small wood storage bin on the side. He removed a sledgehammer and bent down by one of the wheels. He started pounding on one of the spokes of the wheel with the hammer. The spoke cracked in half, and he quickly started pounding on another spoke on the same wheel.