Escaping From Paradise by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


Josh and James rode their horses down Paradise Lane and passed by the Paradise House of Pleasure.

Josh glanced back at the house and couldn't resist.

He stopped then turned his horse around and galloped back to the Paradise House of Pleasure.

James stopped his horse and looked back at Josh. "We don't have time for you to get your rocks off."

Josh jumped off his horse. "It'll only take a couple of minutes," he yelled out while he ran into the building.

James felt vulnerable while he anxiously waited for Josh to return.

Josh ran past the whores that waited in the lobby of the Paradise House of Pleasure.

"Hey baby, I'm available," one of the whores called out while Josh ran up the stairs.

Josh ran down the hall and opened up a door, and peeked inside the room. He closed the door and ran over to another door and opened it, and peeked inside. He closed the door and ran over to another door and opened it.

Josh bolted inside that room where cowboy Tim grunted while he lay naked on top of Linda, who looked lethargic while she stared at the ceiling.

Josh saw Tim's holster hanging on the bedpost. He walked over to the bed, and the floor creaked. Josh rushed over to the holster the second Tim looked back at the source of the creaking floorboard.

Tim's eyes widened with shock when he saw Josh. "What the hell are you doing here?" Tim yelled.

"Payback," Josh replied while he whipped out one of Tim's Colt 45's from his holster.

"What?" Tim replied while he got off Linda, but Josh whacked Tim upside his head knocking him to the floor out cold.

Josh grabbed Linda's arm. "We're getting out of here," he said while he pulled her off the bed.

He rushed her over to the dress, hanging on the wall.

Outside in Paradise Lane, James looked nervous while he waited on his horse with Josh.

Josh rushed Linda out of the Paradise House of Pleasure and over to James' horse. He assisted Linda on the back of James' horse, then he got on his own horse.

"Let's get the hell out of here," James said.

They galloped their horses off down Paradise Lane while Linda wrapped her arms around James' body.

Way down the other end of Paradise Lane by the wooden stage, Marshall Fisher finished talking with some people, then he glanced over at the table and saw that most of his cowboys were passed out in the dirt from the spiked whiskey.

He rushed over to the cowboys. "Wake up!" he yelled out and kicked cowboy Wesley in his butt.

Wesley didn't wake up, and Marshall Fisher got suspicious.

Cowboys Jesse, Saul, and Dale rushed down Paradise Lane.

"Marshall, someone broke your two prisoners out of jail," cowboy Jesse called out.

Marshall Fisher glanced down the street and saw Josh and James galloping away on the horses.

"Get some horses and stop those two!" Marshall Fisher yelled out at the three cowboys.

Cowboys Jesse, Saul, and Dale rushed off toward a side street and headed to the stable.

At the train station, cowboy Tony boarded the engine of the Paradise Express, where engineer Elmer was about to shut the engine down so he could join the party.

"Don't," cowboy Tony said the second he boarded the engine compartment.

"But the party is about to begin," Elmer replied and looked a little confused.

"You're to take the Paradise Express for one more ride, and then you can shut it down," cowboy Tony explained.

"Okay," Elmer responded as he knew not to argue with the cowboys. He moved the throttle forward, and the Paradise Express moved away from the station.

Anita and Harold raced their wagon down the dirt trail through the forest and headed toward the desert.

Josh and James galloped their horses down the dirt trail through the grassy field. Linda remained a little lethargic while she hugged James' body during the ride.

Josh and James heard the Paradise Express while it raced down the track behind them.

Josh glanced back. "Yaaaa," he yelled while he snapped the reins against the horse. His horse picked up speed. "She should be close by, so looked for her," Josh yelled at James.

From inside the engine of the Paradise Express, cowboy Tony saw Josh and James' horses while they raced down the dirt road. "Make this train move faster!" he yelled at Elmer.

"What's the hurry?" Elmer replied.

"Just do what I say," cowboy Tony snapped back with some authority.

Elmer gave the train more throttle, and the Paradise Express picked up speed while it raced down the tracks.

Jenny's eyes were widened with fear while she felt the vibration of the train in the rails through her back while the Paradise Express raced down the tracks.

"There's Jenny!" Josh called out the second he saw a hump in the tracks way off to the right and pointed at her location.

Josh and James turned their horses off the dirt trail, galloped through the grassy field, and raced toward Jenny on the railroad tracks.

The Paradise Express raced down the tracks toward Jenny.

Inside the Paradise Express engine, Elmer saw Jenny tried to the tracks and grabbed the brake handle.

"Touch that, and I'll put a bullet in the back of your head," cowboy Tony threatened Elmer by shoving the barrel of one of his Colt 45s into the back of his head.

Elmer placed his hand off the brake and looked sick at the thought of the train running over a human being.

Josh and James galloped their horses through the grassy field and headed to Jenny tied on the tracks.

Inside the Paradise Express engine, cowboy Tony glanced over to this left and saw Josh and James galloping on horses to Jenny. He rushed over to the left side of the engine, aimed his Colt 45 pistol out the window, and fired a shot.

Josh and James galloped their horses toward Jenny, and a bullet zinged past them.

Josh and James galloped their horses through the field while more bullets zinged past them.

Inside the Paradise Express engine, Elmer didn't like the fact that cowboy Tony was trying to kill some other people while he was being forced to allow his train to kill someone on the railroad track.

Josh and James galloped their horses closer to Jenny on the tracks.

The Paradise Express raced down the tracks and was getting closer and closer to Jenny.

Cowboy Tony saw Josh and James' horses come to a screeching stop by Jenny.

He leaned out of the left window of the engine and aimed his Colt 45 at Josh and James.

"Not with my train," Elmer quietly said while he grabbed the brake handle and applied the brakes.

Cowboy Tony flew forward in the train and smacked his head on the side of the window.

Josh and James watched in horror while the Paradise Express came screeching down the rails.

Josh frantically tried to free the ropes from around Jenny while the train came screeching at them.

James joined in and frantically tried to free the ropes from around Jenny while the train came screeching at them.

The Paradise Express came screeching down the tracks and got closer and closer.

Josh and James loosened the ropes, and Josh grabbed Jenny's hands and yanked her off the tracks where the train screeched to a stop six inches from them.

They looked up in relief at the train and suddenly saw cowboy Tony being tossed out of the engine compartment and hit the ground with a thud.

"Get the hell out of here before he becomes conscious," Elmer yelled out from the train window.

James got back on his horse, where Linda immediately wrapped her arms around his waist.

Josh assisted Jenny on his horse then got on the horse in front of her. She wrapped her arms around Josh's waist while he turned his horse around.

Josh and James galloped their horses through the grassy field and headed toward the dirt trail.

"You're my hero," Jenny said by Josh's ear while she hugged his body then kissed his cheek.

Josh looked proud.

Linda saw this from James' horse, and she smiled while she came to life, realizing she could be free soon.

Elmer moved the Paradise Express down the tracks leaving cowboy Tony in the grassy field.

Anita and Harold raced their wagon down the dirt trail. They headed to the cave at the base of the mountains.

Back in Paradise, Wilbur was ready while he looked down the street and saw Marshall Fisher and cowboys Jesse, Saul, and Dale on horses while they jumped on some horses.

"Yaaaa," Marshall Fisher yelled out while he smacked his horses with the sides of his boots.

Marshall Fisher and cowboys Jesse, Saul, and Dale galloped their horses down Paradise Lane.

Wilbur waited for a few seconds, then he snapped the reins, and the horse pulled the wagon onto the street, and he abruptly turned the wagon to the left in front of the galloping horses.

The wagon wheels on Wilbur's side of the wagon broke off, the wagon tipped over, and the four buckets of waste spilled out into the dirt street.

Wilbur flew out of the wagon splashed into the enormous pond of human waste.

Marshall Fisher and his cowboys stopped their horses in a hurry in the pond of waste.

The empty concoction bottles were visible floating in the post of waste.

Marshall Fisher glared down at Wilbur. "You're dead!"

Wilbur got up and rushed over to Marshall Fisher's horse. He grabbed the Marshall's left pant leg and yanked him off his horse. Marshall Fisher splashed in the waste, and some of it splashed on the cowboys.

Cowboy Jesse started having the dry heaves the second he felt human waste on his face.

Cowboys Saul and Dale laughed at Jesse.

Wilbur laughed at the sight of Marshall Fisher in the pond of waste.

Some of the townfolk gathered on both sides of the street. They discreetly snickered at the sight of Marshall Fisher.

Marshall Fisher got up with fire in his eyes.

Wilbur punched Fisher in his face, and he splashed back in the pond of waste.

Some splashed on cowboys Saul and Dale's face, and they immediately had the dry heaves.

Marshall Fisher got up red-faced furious.

Wilbur stood his ground with two clenched fists ready for the fight he's always wanted.

Fisher looked furious and whipped out his pistol and pressed it into Wilbur's forehead. "Put this ancient turd in our jail cell. And get me some clean clothes."

Cowboy Tim staggered down the street and looked a little dazed.

"What the hell happened to you?" Marshall Fisher asked.

"That Josh kid whacked me while I had my way with one of the whores. He ran off with her," cowboy Tim said while he cringed in pain over the throbbing headache.

"We don't have time to change clothes," Marshall Fisher said while he climbed up on his horse.

"Hang me. I don't care anymore," Wilbur said while he walked out of the pond of waste.

Tim started to grab Wilbur's arm but smell the stench and whipped out a Colt 45 and aimed it at Wilbur's head instead.

Josh and James galloped their horses through the desert and headed toward the Indian Camp.

Marshall Fisher and cowboys Jesse, Saul, and Dale galloped their horses down the dirt trail through the grassy field.

They saw cowboy Tony who walked in the grassy field in a bit of a daze.

Marshall Fisher and the cowboys stopped their horses.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Tony?" Marshall Fisher asked.

Cowboy Tony walked over to Marshall Fisher.

"That stupid train engineer stopped the train just before it arrived at Jenny, then those two guys you had locked up took her away."

"Get on the back of Jesse's horse," Marshall Fisher ordered Tony.

Jesse extended out his hand and assisted Tony to the back of his horse.

Marshall Fisher and his cowboys galloped off down the dirt trail toward the forest.

Cowboy Tony caught a whiff of the Jesse. "You smell like shit," he said.

Marshall Fisher and the other cowboys ignored Tony's comment, as they were still pissed with Wilbur.

Anita and Wilbur drove the wagon to the mountains and parked by the cave where they waited.

Josh, Linda, James, and Jenny arrived at the Indian Camp, where they immediately saw all the Indians were passed out in the dirt.

Josh got down off his horse and walked over to Chief's teepee, where Chief Merijildo was face down in the dirt passed out with an empty bottle of whiskey in hand. Next to the Chief's side was Diana naked and passed out on her back in the dirt.

Josh peeked inside the teepee and saw Sara cowered inside, wearing a female's Indian dress.

Sara quietly sobbed in the fetal position.

"Sara," he called out.

Sara looked up and saw Josh's head in the door flap of the teepee, and her eyes lit up at the sight of a friendly human. "Josh!" she cried out, then got up and went over to him.

"What are you doing here? They could kill you," she said while they hugged.

"We're escaping from Paradise," he told her while they separated from their hug.

"That scum bag old Indian had his way with me!" Sara told him and looked like she was going to be sick, thinking about those times.

"No more," he said while he walked Sara out of the teepee.

When Josh walked Sara by Chief Merijildo, she kicked him hard in his groin as payback.

Josh rushed her over to the horses. It was a tight fit, but Josh was able to get Sara on his horse with Jenny.

Josh and James galloped their horses through the desert and headed to the cave.

Marshall Fisher and his cowboys galloped their horses down the dirt trail. They headed out of the forest toward the cave in the desert.

Josh and James galloped their horses in the desert and headed to the cave.

Marshall Fisher and his cowboys galloped their horses through the desert and headed toward the cave.

Josh and James galloped their horses closer to the cave and saw Anita and Harold waiting in the wagon.

"Everything's clicking in place," Josh said while they galloped on their horses.

Josh and James galloped their horses in the desert, then their eyes widen in fear when they heard the faint sound of horses then saw Marshall Fisher and his cowboys getting closer to the cave.

Anita and Harold looked scared when they saw Marshall Fisher and the cowboys racing their horses toward the cave.

"Hurry up!" she yelled at Josh and James while they raced their horses closer to the cave.

Josh and James stopped their horses at the wagon, and everybody quickly dismounted.

"We don't have much time," Anita said while Josh, James, Linda, Jenny, and Sara ran toward the cave.

They all ran to the cave opening, where the sound of a Colt 45 firing was heard, and a bullet ricocheted off the top of the cave opening.

They rushed inside the cave where some more Colt 45 gunfire was heard, and more bullets ricocheted off the cave opening.

Anita, Harold, Josh, James, Linda, Sara, and Jenny all ran through the cave where the sound of the Marshall and cowboy's horses was louder outside the cave.

They all stopped by the glass booth.

Josh walked over and gave Anita a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you."

Anita removed a piece of paper from her bosom. "Here's my copy of the instructions on how to use the device," she said then handed the paper to Josh.

Josh took the paper and looked at it. "Are you going?"

Anita placed an arm around Harold's arm. "Yes, with my true love. You better go first. Daddy won't harm me," she said.

Jenny, Sara, Linda, and Josh all squeezed inside the booth.

James, Anita, and Harold waited where the sound of horses stopping outside the cave was heard.

The sound of footsteps running inside the cave was heard.

Anita looked at the glass booth and motioned for Josh to hurry up while he typed on the keyboard.

"Stop!" Marshall Fisher yelled out, then fired a bullet from his Colt 45 into the ceiling of the cave.

Dirt rained on Anita, Wilbur, and James.

"Get out of my booth!" Marshall Fisher yelled while he ran to the booth to stop Josh while he continued to type on the keyboard inside the booth.

Anita jumped in front of her father to stop him. "Enough!" she yelled at him.

Marshall Fisher looked surprised with Anita, as this was the first time she's ever yelled at him. He got furious and slapped her hard across her face then pushed her to the dirt.

Harold saw Anita in the dirt and got furious. He jumped on Marshall Fisher, where they both fell to the dirt, and his gun fell out of his hand. They wrestled, and Marshall Fisher punched Harold repeatedly in his face.

Cowboy Tony came to Marshall Fisher's rescue, but James tackled him to the dirt where they tumbled, and fists flew at each other.

Marshall Fisher reached for his Colt 45 in the dirt and was able to grab it.

Anita scampered over and chomped down on her father's hand.

He cried out in pain and let go of the Colt 45.

Anita grabbed it and aimed it at her father's head. "I swear I'll kill him if you don't back off," she yelled out in a threatening tone.

Then the psychedelic colors from the glass of the booth caught their attention, they stopped fighting and stared at the colorful sight.

They all watched while the glass booth started spinning.

Marshall Fisher stood up and was pissed then the spinning stopped, the psychedelic colors dissipated and the glass booth was empty.

Cowboy Jesse snuck over and kicked the pistol out of Anita's hand, where it bounced off the cave wall.

"I should have placed you in your father's car the day he died," Marshall Fisher snapped at Anita

Anita thought for a minute, and then it dawned on her.

She dropped to her knees and sobbed. "You killed my father," she cried into her hands.

"Don't forget about her mother, as I had a blast raping then kicking the shit out of her," cowboy Tony added and looked proud.

Anita's eyes widened in shock over the news cowboy Tony said, and she got up and charged after him.

Cowboy Tony punched Anita in her face the second she got to him, knocking her down to the ground.

Harold rushed over to Anita's side and comforted her while she sobbed.

"You'll be arrested for murder," Anita sobbed out while Harold assisted her to her feet.

"No, because dead witness can't testify," Marshall Fisher said while motioned at cowboys Jesse, Saul, and Dale to get them out of the cave.

Cowboys Jesse, Saul, and Dale removed their Colt 45s from their holsters and motioned for Anita, Harold, and James to come with them.

The cowboys escorted Anita, Harold, and James out of the cave.

"Go back and kill Josh and those women," Marshall Fisher told cowboy Tony while he handed him his copy of the instructions.

Cowboy Tony went inside the glass booth with the instructions.

Marshall Fisher waited, and nothing happened while cowboy Tony typed on the keyboard, and Marshall Fisher started to get concerned.

Cowboy Tony stepped out of the glass booth. "It won't work," he said.

"That fat bitch," Marshall Fisher yelled, and it echoed in the cave.

"Let's go," Marshall Fisher said while he stormed away to the cave opening and cowboy Tony followed.

Marshall Fisher and cowboy Tony walked out of the cave.

Marshall Fisher marched over to Anita. "I need you to unlock that booth!" he yelled at her.

"I'm sorry, but Josh has those details," Anita replied.

Marshall Fisher slapped her hard across her face knocking her down on the ground.

Harold lunged at Marshall Fisher, but cowboy Tony was quick and whacked Harold on the back of his head, and he dropped to the ground passed out.

"Get these turds in the back of the wagon and take them back to Paradise," Marshall Fisher told his cowboys.

Cowboy Jesse grabbed James by his arm and walked him back to the wagon.

Cowboy Saul picked Anita up by one of her arms and walked her over to the wagon.

Cowboys Tony and Dale picked up Harold by his arms and legs and carried him over to the wagon.

Back in the real world, Josh, Sara, Linda, and Jenny rushed out of the electrical room and went inside the Train House using the cipher code in Anita's instructions.

Josh, Sara, Linda, and Jenny rushed into the Train House and looked at the train set.

Josh saw the wagon with people in the back and two black shirt cowboys in the seat while it was on the dirt trail headed toward Paradise. Two cowboys were on horses in front of the wagon with another horse trailing behind them.

"We better hurry up and get what we need to save everybody," Josh told the girls.

They rushed out of the Train House and headed back into the mansion.