Escaping From Paradise by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 21


Back in the land of Paradise, the Cavalry rounded up all thirty-four cowboys and had them handcuffed and sitting in the middle of the street in Paradise Lane with Marshall Fisher and Charlie outside the Marshall's Office. The Cavalry soldiers circled around the cowboys with their Winchester rifles ready to shoot if they tried to escape.

The Army Captain and his Sergeants waited inside the Marshall's Office.

Back in the mansion, Anita was still bounded to her bed inside her bedroom. She got scared thinking that Harold was probably dead by now, and the cowboys would soon burst inside the room and repeatedly rape her for hours.

Her bedroom slowly opened, and Anita's eyes widened with fear, and then she screamed.

Harold rushed inside her bedroom in a panic. "It's me, Anita!" he called out while he rushed over to her bed.

Anita screamed while she looked at Harold then she quickly stopped when she recognized him. "You're alive!" she cried out in joy.

Harold kissed Anita on the lips to show he loved her, and she accepted his love ever so happy she finally found a man.

Josh rushed out of the cave and went over to the horse he staged there.

He jumped in the saddle like a cowboy. "Yaaaa," he snapped the reins, and the horse galloped off in the desert toward Paradise.

Josh galloped his horse down the dirt trail in the desert and headed to the forest.

Josh galloped his horse down the dirt trail through the forest.

Josh galloped his horse down the dirt trail through the grassy field.

Josh slowed his horse down on the dirt trail when he got near the mansion, noticed that the town appeared quiet and that concerned him.

Josh rode his horse to the entrance of Paradise and looked down Paradise Lane. His eyes widen with joy the second he spotted the whole gang of cowboys still sitting in the middle of Paradise Lane with the Cavalry guard.

Josh rode his horse down Paradise Lane and gave the cowboys a smirk while he rode up to them.

Cowboy Tim saw Josh's smirk and jumped up to come after him. But a Cavalry Private aimed his Winchester rifle at cowboy Tim, so he immediately sat down.

Josh flipped cowboy the finger while he rode past Marshall Fisher and the cowboys.

Marshall Fisher saw Josh flipping the finger and was furious.

Josh stopped his horse at the Marshall's Office and dismounted.

Josh stepped inside the Marshall's Office, where the Army Captain and his three Sergeants sat at the desk and waited.

"Hello Captain, I'm Secret Agent Josh Bryant for the Supreme Commander of the land of Paradise," he replied while he returned a salute. "Great job, Captain on rustling up out prisoners," he said, then he looked worried. "Were you able to stop the hanging?" he added.

"Yes sir," the Army Captain snapped out his answer.

"Good, now I'm planning on having some deputy sheriff's arriving here to take our prisoners to court for their rightful punishment. But in the interim, take them all to the prison that was recently placed in the desert," Josh ordered the Captain.

"Yes sir," the Army Captain snapped out his answer.

"Very good. Now carry on," Josh replied.

"Yes sir," the Army Captain snapped out his answer and saluted.

The Sergeants all saluted Josh, who returned a salute, then turned around and left the office.

Josh walked down Paradise Lane in search of Anita, James, and Harold.

Meanwhile, back in reality, Jenny, Sara, and Linda stood by the front entrance of the Fisher Mansion and waited. Jenny had previously called the Palm Beach County sheriff's department requesting assistance from a deputy sheriff since a crime had occurred at the mansion.

Back in the land of Paradise, Josh walked all over the streets of Paradise and searched the hotels, the saloon, the General Store, and could not locate Anita, James, and Harold. He started to get concerned that they might all be dead, but then he forgot about the mansion.

While Josh rushed over to the mansion and stepped inside the foyer. "Anita?" he yelled out.

After a few seconds, Anita, Harold, and James walked out of the living room of the mansion after hearing Josh's voice.

Anita ran over to Josh. "Thank you for saving our lives," he said, then hugged him tightly.

James and Harold walked and shook Josh's hand.

"I'm so glad you didn't get hung," Josh said.

"Bringing in the Calvary was a great idea," James said.

"Very old western," Anita added.

Harold nodded in agreement with Anita and James' comments.

"Where's my father?" Anita curiously asked.

"The Army will take him and his cowboys to the prison I placed in the desert, and hopefully, the West Palm Beach deputy sheriffs will arrive soon," Josh replied.

Anita looked a little saddened by the thought of her father going to jail, but she knew it had to be done.

The Army Cavalry Captain rode his horse down the dirt trail in the grassy field and was near the entrance of the forest. Behind him marched Marshall Fisher, Charlie, and all the cowboys still handcuffed down the trail with the entire Cavalry guarding their prisoners.

Back in reality, from the front entrance of Fisher's mansion, Jenny, Sara, and Linda watched while a West Palm Beach deputy sheriff's car while he drove down the driveway.

The sheriff's car parked, and deputy sheriff Andy Powell got out of the car and headed toward the front doors of the mansion.

"What kind of crime would you like to report?" deputy Powell asked the second he arrived at the front entrance.

"Well, it involves rape and murder," Jenny replied to the deputy.

Deputy Powell's eyes widened the second he heard Jenny's answer. "Where?"

"Follow me," Jenny replied and turned around and went to the front door.

Deputy Powell followed Jenny, Sara, and Linda into the mansion.

Deputy Powell followed Jenny, Sara, and Linda through the backyard and headed to the Train House.

Deputy Powell followed Jenny, Sara, and Linda into the Train House.

Deputy Powell stepped into the Train House with the ladies and looked in awe at the massive train set. "Wow! I'm impressed," he said while the child inside him came out and went into a childlike trance. "So, where were the rape and murder committed?" he said while he snapped out of his childlike trance.

"In Paradise," Jenny said while she pointed at the town.

Sara and Linda nodded in agreement with Linda's response.

Deputy Powell looked at the ladies and then back at the train set. "I'm not following, I mean, it's a train set. A kids toy," deputy Powell replied.

"From here, it looks like a train set, but there's a device at the other end of this building that will transform you into that train set where it comes alive," Sara said.

Deputy Powell looked at Sara then back at the train set where the Cavalry and their prisoners were on the dirt trail in the forest.

"Dispatch, this is unit five; I need two additional units for assistance here at the Fisher mansion," he quickly said into his radio mike, thinking the three ladies were actually loony and had the intention of arresting them for making a false crime report.

Jenny, Sara, and Linda smiled, knowing that additional help was on the way but didn't know the real reason.

While they waited for the additional units to arrive, deputy Powell walked around the train set, check it out "I'm finding all this a little hard to believe," deputy Powell told the ladies while he stared at the town of Paradise.

Deputy Powell walked around and headed toward the desert end of the train set. He spotted the Cavalry and formation of cowboys on the dirt trail not too far from the edge of the forest. "This train set sure is spectacular," he said while he glanced at the Army fort and old western prison.

He turned around and walked back toward the Paradise town end of the set in awe.

Jenny got concerned with the deputy just spending time looking at the train set like a child at Christmas time. "What are you going to do about those crimes being committed?" she asked.

"Well, frankly, I'm having a hard time believing that there's been crime committed here, so I'm going to have some other deputies assist me in this matter," deputy Powell replied while he walked around the train set and checked out the town of Paradise.

Jenny got this gut feeling the deputy didn't believe him. "I'm thinking you're not believing me, so why don't I prove it," she told him.

"That would be extremely helpful because making a false report is also illegal," deputy Powell told her while he walked down the far right walkway and headed toward the other end of the train set.

"Please come with me deputy," Jenny told him and walked to the door at the end of the walkway.

Deputy Powell started to follow her then he stopped when he felt he could be walking into a trap. "I'm going to wait until my other units arrive," he said while he placed his hand on his Glock that was in his holster.

After they waited for a few minutes, deputies Jack White and Juan Martinez arrived at the Train House. Deputy Powell talked with his two coworkers and told them he believed these ladies are providing a false police report. All three deputies agreed to further investigate their claim before arresting them.

"Okay, show us," deputy Powell told Jenny.

"Great, follow me," she replied with a warm smile.

The three deputies followed the ladies out of the Train House and went inside the electrical room.

The three deputies looked in awe at all the electrical equipment inside the room and knew all this technology couldn't have been needed to operate a train set.

"Okay, my curiosity is getting a little more peaked," deputy Powell told Jenny.

"Are you ready for a trip to the land of Paradise?" she asked him while she pointed at the glass booth.

Deputy Powell walked over a looked at the booth for any obvious hazards. "What is this thing?"

"It's the transporting device to take us to the land of Paradise," she replied.

Deputy Powell looked at Jenny and believed she was really loony, but then he had this feeling that she might be telling the truth. "Okay, show me."

Deputies Martinez and White thought deputy Powell was nuts while they watched him step inside the booth with Jenny.

"I wouldn't do that," deputy Martinez told deputy Powell.

Deputy Powell looked at his coworker and smiled while Jenny closed the door of the glass booth.

The deputies watched while bright lights filled the glass of the booth like fireworks.

A whirring sound filled the inside of the booth.

The entire booth vibrated.

Then psychedelic colors filled the glass of the booth.

The glass booth started spinning.

Deputies Martinez and White were baffled when they saw that the glass booth was now empty.

"What form do we fill out for this scenario?" deputy Martinez asked deputy White.

"I don't have a clue," deputy White replied while he stared at the glass booth in disbelief.

Back in the land of Paradise, Jenny walked a baffled deputy Powell out of the glass booth and down the cave with the lighted torches.

Jenny walked deputy Powell out of the cave where he saw the desert and mountains behind him. His mouth dropped opened and was speechless.

"Powell, where are you?" deputy Martinez's voice came across Powell's radio.

"Ah, I think I'm inside this train set," deputy Powell replied while he looked around the desert and saw the Army fort and prison off in the desert.

"What?" deputy Martinez's voice replied from the radio.

"I think I'm in the train set," deputy Powell said again.

"Tell them to go back to the train set and look at the cave for two miniature people, which is us," Jenny instructed the deputy.

"Ah, go back at the train set, and you should see two miniature people by the cave opening," deputy Powell said into his radio.

Back in the real world, deputies Martinez and White rushed out of the electrical room and rushed back inside the Train House.

They immediately looked at the cave at the base of the mountains and saw two miniature people, and one resembled a deputy.

"No way?" deputy Martinez replied in disbelief.

Sara and Linda entered the Train House.

"It's for real," she told the deputies.

"Hey guys, if you go back to the glass booth, Jenny here will bring you this amazing place," deputy Powell told them from the radio.

Deputies Martinez and White didn't say a word while they rushed out of the Train House and went back inside the electrical room.

The two deputies stared at the glass booth.

A whirring sound filled the inside of the booth.

The entire booth vibrated.

Then psychedelic colors filled the glass of the booth.

The glass booth started spinning.

The spinning of the booth dissipated.

The psychedelic colors in the glass dissipated.

The vibration of the boot dissipated.

The lights from the glass dissipated.

There was silence looked in awe at Jenny, who suddenly appeared inside the booth.

The door to the booth opened, and Jenny poked her head outside. "The next trip to Paradise is now leaving," Jenny called out with a smile.

Deputies Martinez and White rushed over and stepped inside the booth.

Jenny closed the door and started the sequence for the trip to Paradise.

Back in the land of Paradise, deputies Martinez and White were in awe while they walked through the cave to the opening where deputy Powell waited.

Deputies Martinez and White stepped out of the cave and stared in awe at the desert.

"I don't believe it," deputy White replied while he bent down and scooped up a handful of dirt to see if it was real, and it was real desert dirt.

"Me neither," deputy Martinez replied.

"Now, what's with this report of rape and murder?" deputy Powell asked Linda.

Jenny removed her cell phone from her jeans pocket. She opened it up and made a phone call using the number Josh gave her. "Josh," she said with a smile when he answered and was happy her cell phone worked.

"It works, where are you?" Josh answered her call.

"I'm here at the cave with two deputy sheriff's that want to know more about the rape and murder that occurred in Paradise," Jenny replied.

"I'm on my way," Josh responded then disconnected his end of the call.

"Josh Bryant is on his way to take us to Paradise," Jenny told the deputies.

The three deputies waited at the cave with Jenny for twenty minutes, and they started to wonder if this Josh Bryant character really existed. Then they saw a stagecoach with Josh and Anita in the driver's seat.

Anita pulled the stagecoach over and stopped by Jenny and the three deputies.

"Hello, deputies. I'm Josh Bryant, and this is Anita Fisher. Her father is Blaine Fisher and boy do we have some information and witnesses about crimes in this land of Paradise. Information that would make a good movie," Josh told the deputies.

The three deputies rushed over and got inside the stagecoach with Jenny.

Anita snapped the reins and drove the stagecoach back down the dirt trail to Paradise.

Deputies Martinez, Powell, and White stared out of the stagecoach windows in awe while the coach drove down the dirt trail through the desert, the forest, and then the grassy field.

Deputies Martinez, Powell, and White stared out the stagecoach windows in awe over the sight of the town of Paradise.

"It's the train set. The train set came alive," deputy Powell said.

"It is amazing until Blaine Fisher, and his cowboys kept everybody here like prisoners," Jenny told the deputies.

Her comment piqued the interest of the three deputies.

"Where's Blaine Fisher and his cowboys now?" deputy Powell asked Jenny.

"The Cavalry has them under guard," she replied.

"The Cavalry? You mean old west Cavalry?" deputy Martinez replied and looked interested since he was fascinated by the old west Cavalry and Indian movies.

Anita stopped the stagecoach by the saloon where Josh and Anita got down from the driver's seat.

Jenny opened up the coach door and stepped outside.

"Come, deputies, we've gathered most of the townfolk that wants to tell what they saw here in Paradise," Josh said.

The three deputies got out of the stagecoach and followed Josh, Anita, and Jenny into the saloon.

Inside the saloon, the three deputies saw seventy town folk of Paradise who all looked anxious to sing like a canary.

"We need backup," deputy Powell said while he looked at the crowd.

"Lots of back-ups," deputy Martinez replied, and deputy nodded in agreement.

Deputy Powell stepped out to the porch of the saloon. "Dispatch, unit five needs major assistance at the Fisher mansion," he said into his radio.

"How many, unit five?" the female dispatcher replied from the radio.

All three deputies looked at each other.

"We could use about ten," deputy Martinez replied, and deputy White nodded in agreement.

"Send in ten units," deputy Powell responded into his radio.

"Ten units?" the dispatcher replied, unsure from the radio.

"Yeah, ten units, we have about seventy witnesses to potential rape and murder at the Fisher mansion," deputy Powell responded into his radio.

"Okay, unit five, those additional units will be on their way shortly," the dispatcher replied from the radio.

The deputies looked around the saloon at all the witnesses.

"We better head to the real mansion and greet your fellow deputies," Josh told deputy Powell.

"You're right," deputy Powell replied.

Anita and Josh escorted deputy Powell to the stagecoach.

Deputies Martinez and White started interviewing the town folk in the saloon.

During the stagecoach ride back to the cave, Josh rode in the coach with deputy Powell and told him everything he saw during his time in Paradise.