Escaping From Paradise by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


Marshall Fisher and his cowboys drove the wagon with Anita, James, and Harold back into Paradise.

Marshall Fisher and his cowboys drove the wagon back down Paradise Lane, where cowboys Frank, Paul, Bubba, Lester, Sam, Jimmy, Allan, Mitch, Harry, Tim, Kirby, and Carl all sat or stood on the porch of the Marshall's Office. The cowboys also looked like they had a horrific hangover.

"What the hell are you guys doing goofing off? Marshall Fisher yelled out while his horse rode up to this office building with the wagon. The Marshall then noticed they all looked sick. "Are you guys drunk or hung-over?" he added while he dismounted from his horse.

"Someone drugged the whiskey," cowboy Jimmy said while he rubbed his forehead to soothe his pounding headache.

"What?" Marshall Fisher replied and looked pissed with that news.

"We drank the whiskey at the table, and then we all passed out," cowboy Lester said.

"Plus, there's another problem," cowboy Jimmy added.

"What's that?" Marshall Fisher curiously asked and looked bothered by hearing more bad news.

"There's a gaping hole in the rear of this building where your two jailbirds escaped," cowboy Kirby responded.

Marshall Fisher stormed to the front door of his office, opened it then peeked inside. He had fire in his eyes when he saw the massive hole in the wall now making the two jail cells useless.

Marshall Fisher stormed off the porch and headed to the wagon. He reached in the back of the wagon and grabbed Anita by her dress. He yanked her out of the wagon. He threw her down to the dirt street. "Tony, Bubba, and Lester, after I hang these two turds, you have my permission to take this piece of fat ass and have your way within her in the Paradise House of Pleasure. Then she'll be a regular whore for punishment for crossing me," he told the two cowboys.

Cowboys Tony, Bubba, and Lester drooled at the thought of screwing Anita.

The other cowboys looked jealous but knew better than to say anything to the Marshall.

"Take these prisoners to the mansion and keep them in separate rooms with two cowboys as guards," he said.

"Yes sir," cowboy Tony replied, and he gathered up cowboys Kirby, Jimmy, Frank, Paul, Carl, and Sam.

Those cowboys grabbed Anita, James, and Harold by their arms and escorted them off toward the mansion.

"I want an extra noose added to the gallows for the hanging at eight in the morning," Marshall told the rest of the cowboys who ran down the alley by the Marshall's Office to head down the side street where the gallows was kept in a wooden storage building.

Marshall Fisher got back on his horse and rode off back to his mansion.

Back in reality, Josh, Sara, Linda, and Jenny saw the miniature people and cowboys that appeared to be walking back to the mansion. Then they saw a cowboy on a horse heading back to the mansion.

"The Marshall must be keeping them in the mansion since his jail is ruined," Josh told the ladies.

"What are we going to do?" Sara asked.

"We need to find a place where we can get some things to rescue everybody," Josh replied, then looked at Jenny and smiled. "Come, let's get out of here," he added, then held Jenny's hand, and they headed to the main door of the Train House.

Back in Fisher's mansion, Josh, Jenny, Linda, and Sara powered up a computer in an office and found a store in Miami that had a vast selection of miniature trains and accessories.

Josh looked in the drawers of the desk and found a bunch of cell phones. They took turns turning them on until they found two that worked.

Jenny found a cash box and removed all the cash.

Josh found his car keys, and they all rushed out of the mansion.

Josh, Jenny, Linda, and Sara rushed to the employee's parking lot, where it was empty.

"They towed our cars away," Josh said and looked pissed.

"How can we get down to Miami?"

Josh looked that area around then spotted a two-car garage at the rear of the mansion. That garage caught his interest; he remembered something Anita told him. "I know where we can get a car," he said the rushed to the mansion.

"Linda, Sara, and Jenny didn't have a clue what he was talking about but followed him anyway to the mansion.

Back inside Fisher's mansion, Josh, Jenny, Linda, and Sara looked in the drawers of the counter.

"I found a key," Linda said while she showed Josh.

"That's it," he said, then snatched the key out of her hand and headed to the door.

The ladies followed Josh out of the mansion.

Fifteen minutes later, Josh had the ladies piled in Fisher's 1939 Buick, and they headed south down Interstate I-95 to Miami.

Back at the made-up Land of Paradise, it was 9:00 p.m., and the sound of hammering filled the air in town while the gallows were being modified with an extra noose.

In the mansion, Anita, James, and Harold were in private rooms with two cowboys stood outside their doors as guards. Marshall Fisher also had numerous cowboys that roamed around the mansion, making the place look like a prison.

In one bedroom, Anita lay on her back on the bed with her hands and ankles tied to the bedpost, and she cried.

In another bedroom, Harold lay on his back on the bed with his hands and ankles tied to the bedpost. He was worried about Anita.

In another bedroom, James lay in the bed with his hands and ankles tied to the bedpost and regretted stepping into that glass booth, thinking he would be living a better life.

Back in reality, Josh, Linda, Sara, and Jenny walked out of a train store in Miami with everything they needed to save Paradise from Marshall Fisher.

But they were shocked to discover that Fisher's 1939 Buick was hot-wired and stolen from the parking lot.

"Now what?" Sara asked worriedly.

"We have to walk back to the mansion unless someone has some extra cash," he replied.

"I guess we're walking," Jenny responded.

They all walked away down the street.

Back in the land of Paradise, it was 2:30 a.m., on Saturday.

Anita was sound asleep when her room door slowly opened, and cowboys Tony, Bubba, and Lester tiptoed inside.

They tiptoed over to Anita's bed, where she lay on her back under the covers.

Bubba quickly covered Anita's mouth with his hand causing Anita to wake up. It took a few seconds, but she realized the cowboys were towering over her body; her eyes widened with fear.

"Ahhh!" her screams were muffled under Bubba's hand.

Tony leaned down and brought his mouth to Anita's right ear. "We are going to have a great time with you," he whispered, then he sucked on her ear lobe.

"Ahhhh!" Anita screams were muffled under Bubba's hand, and she tried to squirm out from under the bonds of the ropes, but it was pointless.

Lester lowered the bedspread and then lowered the sheets.

Anita's eyes welled up, believing she was going to be raped in a few minutes.

Tony and Lester ran their hands down the inside of Anita's leg toward her crotch while Bubba slipped his free hand down underneath her dress, heading toward her breasts.

Anita squirmed, and her muffled screams were heard under Bubba's hand while he fondled her breasts, and Lester and Tony groped her crotch.

The three cowboys removed their hands from Anita's body and glared at her.

She shook in fear of her clothes being ripped off at any second, and then they would each take their turns raping her.

Tony leaned down to her right ear again. "We'll be back after the hanging, so I hope you enjoyed our little preview show," Tony whispered in her ear then sucked on her ear lobe again.

Lester and Bubba covered Anita's body with the bedspread and covers.

They all walked out of the room with a smirk.

They stepped in the hall where Marshall Fisher stood he lit up another Cuban cigar. "What's going on?"

Cowboys Kirby, Jimmy, Frank, Paul, Carl, and Sam, who guarded the prisoner's rooms, looked with interest.

"We're just giving her a little foreplay," cowboy Tony replied.

Marshall Fisher smiled at that thought.

"Can we have a little fun?" cowboy Kirby asked while he drooled at the thought of groping Anita.

"Sure, but foreplay only. She'll be a whore tomorrow afternoon then you can have some fun with her," Marshall Fisher replied then he puffed on his cigar and headed to his bedroom and went inside.

Cowboys Kirby, Jimmy, Frank, Paul, Carl, and Sam rushed over and went inside Anita's bedroom with horny grins.

Cowboys Tony, Bubba, and Lester listened at the door and smiled when they heard the muffled screams of Anita while all six cowboys molested her.

Cowboys Tony, Bubba, and Lester walked down the hall and headed down the stairs.

Meanwhile, back in reality, Josh, Jenny, Sara, and Linda walked in the dark while they headed back to Fisher's mansion. They were all exhausted and stopped off at a Wal-Mart to find a bench where they could relax and get a drink of water.

It was 6:30 a.m. back in Paradise. Everybody was in the Dining Hall, finishing their standard scrambled eggs, bacon, and milk breakfast.

"May I have your attention," Charlie called out from the doorway of the room.

All eyes of the room were fixed on Charlie and cowboys Dwayne, Chester, Bart, and Alfred in the doorway.

"We just learned that some of our fine folks were found dead out in the desert," he said.

Numerous folks in the room looked stunned while some looked suspicious of the news.

"We captured the two killers. Therefore, Marshall Fisher would like everybody out in the street at this time," Charlie called out to everybody.

Everybody got up from their tables and headed to the door.

It didn't take long before Paradise Lane was filled with the town folk who stared at the gallows that were previously moved to the middle of the street by the Court House.

Cowboys were staggered on both sides of the crowd and watched the town folk with an eagle eye.

A wagon drove down Paradise Lane from the mansion with cowboys Kirby and Jimmy in the driver's seat. In the rear of the wagon sat James and Harold with cowboys Bubba and Lester guarding them with their Colt 45s. Cowboys Frank, Paul, Carl, and Sam walked on both sides of the wagon as guards.

Marshall Fisher rode his horse smoking his cigar behind the wagon.

Back in the mansion, Anita lay in bed, and her eyes were red and puffy from crying all night. All she could think about was jumping in the shower and scrubbing her body for hours to get the feel of those cowboy's hands off her skin.

The wagon stopped behind the gallows.

Marshall Fisher stopped his horse behind the gallows and dismounted. He walked around, headed up the steps to the platform of the gallows, and waited by the two hanging nooses.

Cowboys Bubba and Lester grabbed James and Harold out from the rear of the wagon, marched them up the steps and down the platform. Marshall Fisher puffed on his cigar while he watched cowboys Bubba and Lester place James and Harold behind the noose that will soon end their lives.

Marshall Fisher faked, wiping away tears from his eyes while he faced the town folks. "It crushed my heart when I learned that these two men killed my fiancé. It further crushed my heart when I also learned that these two scoundrels also killed my daughter's fiancé. She's now in my mansion, devastated that her true love was murdered. Therefore, it gives me great satisfaction to find Harold Nicholson and James Abramson guilty of murder and will be hanged for their punishment," Marshall Fisher addressed the town folk, then he puffed on his cigar.

The faint sound of horses was heard coming from the grassy field.

Marshall Fisher puffed on his cigar while he looked toward his mansion for the source of that sound. He shrugged it off and motioned for cowboys Bubba and Lester to place the nooses around the necks of James and Harold.

Cowboys Bubba and Lester placed the nooses around James and Harold's necks then tighten the rope.

The sound of numerous horses got louder and louder, and all the town folk turned around and looked down Paradise Lane toward the mansion.

Outside the mansion, one hundred Army Cavalry soldiers on horses galloped through the grassy field and headed toward Paradise. These soldiers and horses were alive but had this plastic look about their skin and always had a serious look about them. They were miniatures that came to life suddenly.

"Cover all the side streets," the Army Captain yelled at his troops in a monotone, almost computer generated sounding voice.

Some of the one hundred Army Cavalry soldiers split up and headed toward the side streets of Paradise.

Back at the gallows, the air was filled with the thump thump thump sound of the galloping horses, and all eyes were fixed down Paradise Lane.

Then the eyes of all the town folks widen with shock the second they saw fifty Army Cavalry soldiers on horses' race into Paradise all wearing black Cavalry hat with yellow Acorn bands.

Half of the cowboys that monitored the crowd scattered between buildings for a safe haven the second they sensed the huge Calvary was trouble.

Marshall Fisher's mouth opened, and his cigar dropped out of his mouth and fell to the platform of the gallows. "Oh shit," he said and looked stunned at the sight of the enormous force of the Cavalry.

The vast majority of the town folk cheered at the sight of the Cavalry racing into town.

The town folk of Paradise separated and created a path for the Army Captain to ride his horse to the gallows.

The Army Captain stopped his horse near the gallows in a cloud of dust.

"Marshall Fisher, you and your cowboys, are here under arrest for rape, murder, and kidnapping," the Army Captain called out.

James and Harold looked relieved while four Army soldiers jumped off their horses and ran over to the gallows.

All of the remaining cowboys and Marshall Fisher whipped out their Colt 45s and looked ready to fight.

A Calvary Sergeant fired his Winchester rifle at Bubba, hitting him in the shoulder.

Cowboy Bubba dropped to the platform of the gallows in pain.

Marshall Fisher looked pissed and aimed his Colt 45 at the Army Captain, but an Army Corporal fired his Winchester rifle and shot the Marshall in his hand, sending his pistol into the air.

Marshall Fisher raised his arms in the air when he saw all fifty Army soldiers with their Winchester rifles aimed at him and his cowboys.

"Arrest all those cowboys!" the Army Captain yelled out to his troops.

The town folk all cheered when they saw all the Army soldiers get off their horses and pursued the cowboys.

The Army Captain and another soldier got off their horses and rushed up to the gallows and handcuffed Marshall Fisher.

Another soldier rushed up to the gallows and freed James and Harold, who looked like they wanted to hug the soldiers.

The vast of the town folk all looked so happy they were finally freed from the bonds of Marshall Fisher.

Meanwhile, back in reality, Josh, Sara, Jenny, and Linda were at the Train House.

Josh placed an Army Fort made out of logs in the desert not too far from the cave.

Josh then placed an old western-style prison in the desert not too far from the Army Fort.

Josh then placed a miniature horse by the cave at the base of the mountains.

"That should keep them until we can get the police involved," Josh told the ladies.

He then removed Anita's instructions from his back pocket rushed over to the side door.

Sara, Linda, and Jenny followed Josh out the side door.

At the outside of the electrical room, Josh punched in the cipher code and went inside the room.

Sara, Linda, and Jenny followed Josh into the electrical room.

Josh sat down at the computer in the room and started typing the instructions for making the Army Fort and old western prison come to live in the land of Paradise.

"Okay, Jenny, could you please call the Palm Beach County sheriff's department down here," he told her.

"Are you sure the Cavalry idea worked?" Jenny asked with a look of doubt.

"I sure hope so, but if it didn't, use your copy of the instructions and bring a couple of sheriff deputies into Paradise to save me," he said.

"Are you sure our cell phones will work?" Jenny replied.

"They probably will, as that's why they confiscated them from us," he said, then gave Jenny a quick kiss on the lips and stepped into the booth.

Jenny, Sara, and Linda rushed to the exit door of the electrical room and left the electrical room.

Josh closed the door of the glass booth and started the sequence to return to Paradise.