Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 9 Lock-down

The order from Midland Fleet Command arrived about midday on Barnard's at the space port. It required Adams code for decryption and the ship's computer. It wasn't marked for your eyes only, so Adams convened an officers call after he read the order himself.

Wallace had been through a security lock-down before. Randall had not. Adams asked Wallace to explain it to the junior officer. “Anything found and removed from an alien planet, moon, base or other type of facility, including any artifacts, machines and life forms, must be placed and kept in secure areas of the ship. Their existence must be kept secret from any persons not part of the ships company or not cleared by UP Fleet Command.”

Randall shrugged, “So what's the problem?”

Wallace answered, “That would include Robby and Miss Morbius.” Randall's jaw dropped a little as a dumbfounded look spread over his face. He understood the problem now. No one outside of the crew knew about Robby, but Alta was quite a different story.

“She's human. Does it really apply to her?” he asked, looking at Wallace, and then Adams for an answer.

“Yes it does” said Adams with no hesitation and no doubt. There was no way to hide it either since Alta wasn't listed in the ships company, but was listed on a passenger manifest delivered to the space port authority. Adams picked up again, “We have to keep Robby on board and not reveal his existence. We have to get that message to the crew.

Technically, I'm supposed to suspend shore leave but can you imagine being stuck here on ship for four months? I am allowed some discretion so shore leave will continue.”

Wallace and Randall both agreed, but what about Alta? Only two people knew she came from Altair 4. If they could keep it that way, Adams might be able to claim necessary discretion on a need to know basis. He also had to extract pledges from Renfro and the Martins not to discuss Alta with anyone. Adams made it clear he would assume all responsibility while Wallace and Randall made it clear they would support his decision.

Randall now offered his report on the search of Auric Canyon. He, Flapjack and Deputy Greer decided any further searching was pointless. The abandoned vehicles had not been moved and no new evidence had been uncovered. The option of using bait to see if anything could be drawn into the open had been discussed, but without any resolution. With fleet not scheduled to arrive for four months, they would have time to think about the bait option, provided there were no further incidents. Auric Canyon would have to be placed out of bounds and off limits.

Alta had returned to the ship to learn that Adams had a meeting in the ward room without her, or Robby. That seemed strange but the door was locked and she thought it best to wait. It was a very short wait as Randall, then Wallace and then Adams emerged from the ward room. They all gave her a polite hello and Adams asked her to come into the ward room.

He told her it was imperative she not tell anyone other than Renfro and the Martins where she was before arriving on Barnard's. He also told her Renfro and the Martins had to agree to remain silent. They would use the cover that she was a passenger on the mission. Alta seemed a bit puzzled but accepted what she was told. Adams did not want to go into detail about the lock-down, that they were to remain on Barnard's for four months and a UP commodore would arrive and take charge.

Alta was looking forward to visiting again with her Aunt and Uncle. “John, you are coming with me, right?” Adams smiled and nodded, of course he was. They had a little time to change and get ready, leaving the ward room and heading for their cabins. They would be met at the space port by a taxi as before.

Flapjack had run out of ideas on what bait to use and expressed his exasperation to Sheriff Martin. Martin reported that the park police had been very secretive and claimed jurisdiction. Martin asked if Deputy Greer had been helpful, and Flapjack said that he had though the search yielded nothing.

“We'll think of something” Martin assured him. “Say Flapjack, would you like to join us for dinner tonight? My niece and her boyfriend will be there. We would love to have you, and any guest you decide to bring of course.” Martin was thinking of Mary Lou.

So was Flapjack who said “Sure, you don't mind if I bring Mary Lou?”

“Absolutely bring her” came the reply from Martin. “Make it about 6 PM, that will be good.”

Flapjack left as Martin sat back and then grabbed his keys off the desk. It had been a frustrating day and he was eager to get home.

Adams pressed the button which rang a device called a door bell. How quaint and direct were some of these names used to describe the t