Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 10 Dreams Come True

Renfro, Martin and Flapjack sat speechless and disbelieving at the conference table in the ward room. They looked at Commander Adams with clear expressions of disbelief. “Gentlemen, I assure you what I told you is somewhat condensed but is true in every detail” said Adams, as he looked at each face for approval. Wallace and Randall were present and nodded their affirmation, but the three visitors remained in awe of what they heard.

“I guess I wouldn't believe me either” Adams sighed as he picked up the com-link. “Robby, you can come in now.” As the door opened and Robby stepped into the room, several distinct gasps could be heard, Flapjack being the most notable. The three visitors all bolted upright in unison as they stared at the robot moving closer to the conference table. “Robby, this is Doctor Renfro, Sheriff Martin and Flapjack.”

“Greetings gentlemen. I am pleased to meet you. How can I be of service commander?” asked Robby in his typical matter of fact voice. Robby stood at attention after a click and a clack, waiting for his next instruction.

Renfro regained his composure first, gulping and acknowledging the robot with a nod, gaping mouth and pointing finger. “That's the robot. I don't believe it but there it is.” The three men spoke quietly now, admitting their initial disbelief and movement toward acceptance of all Commander Adams had told them. “Do you think this super race, the Krell, are here on Barnard's? Do they have a machine like the one on Altair 4?” At least Renfro's questions confirmed he had listened and understood the important parts of the commander's briefing.

The commander clasped his hands together and placed them on the table, looking intently at the three guests before speaking. 'We don't know what is here. We do know the Krell explored space and we believe they returned home. This may be an outpost, an abandoned colony, a listening post, whatever. All we know is a distress signal using the Krell language originated, or appears to have originated from this moon.” Looking toward the robot, Adams asked “Robby, what is the status of the distress signal?”

“Unchanged and still advising we return to orbit since cleanup is incomplete and still in progress.”

The commander thanked Robby and then turned his attention toward Flapjack, very deliberately and calmly stating “I think what you saw at Auric Canyon were Krell robots performing a cleanup of alien life forms encroaching on their outpost. For whatever reason, that outpost believes that we are a Krell ship, or carrying a Krell passenger.” Neither Wallace nor Randall were prepared for that statement, looked at each other and then back to the commander while asking for clarification. What Krell passenger? That was on everyone's mind. Or was the commander completely mistaken and some other action, perhaps by the park police, had triggered the distress signal.

Robby was asked and again stated he was not the source of any signal, nor could any such signal be detected aboard C-57- D. The five artifacts were not radiating any form of energy. Adams let the table top chatter continue and die down before he made an obviously difficult statement. “It is possible, in fact it is likely Alta is the trigger for the Krell distress signal, which is more of a warning to her than a plea for help.” The other men at the table began murmuring and shaking their heads, that is all but Renfro. The doctor gazed at the commander and ever so slightly nodded his head in agreement.

When the murmuring ceased, the doctor volunteered his opinion. “Alta's brain structure in one particular region is quite different than what we expect to find in humans. I can't say it's alien, but it isn't normal. It is also possible it produces very low frequency brain waves that we can't ordinarily detect because we don't ordinarily look at those frequencies.” That got everyone's attention and silence. Renfro could feel the eyes bearing down on him, waiting for more. “No, Alta is not Krell but something changed her. Something outside of her hereditary DNA.”

It was Alta's determination to learn why she was different that had strengthened Adams resolve to get to the bottom of the Krell signal mystery. If she could face her problem, so could he. “Robby, is it possible Alta is the trigger for the Krell signal?” There it was, on the table now.

“Sir, many things are possible but more precisely, it is probable.” The robot was technically correct. Everyone got the point. Adams got the answer he expected and suggested the group adjourn for 10 minutes, and then continue. There was a haunting quietness to the ward room as the men arose and stretched.

Adams had a prepared message he needed dispatched to Midland Fleet Command. He was taking on more responsibility than normally allowed a cruiser commander. He needed authority and some guidance and could not wait the four months it would take Commodore Savorkian to reach Barnard's. Besides that, he wanted any issues concerning Alta resolved before Savorkian arrived and took charge.

The aide stood at attention, nervously waiting for the inevitable as Admiral Seitgart fingered the folded message. “And just how old and late is this one?”

Ensign Loretta Choo shivered ever so slightly as she pulled herself to a very straight attention and replied to the admiral “It