Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 11 S&R Phase 1

It was obvious to Wallace that Commander Adams was concerned about losing control of a delicate situation. Alta and Adams had stopped short of reaching her cabin but Wallace could see from his vantage point they were arguing. It wasn't loud and it certainly wasn't violent, but the stares and gestures were confrontational. He would motion with his hands, prop them on his waist and she would motion back, crossing her arms and waiting for a response. At least it was talking and not shouting.

It made sense to Wallace that Adams would object to Alta becoming bait in some scheme to attract some unknown threat. He looked earnestly at Randall as he approached from the galley with coffees in hand, and then again at Adams and Alta when he knew he had Randall's attention. Randall took the cue and quickly glanced at the couple and then returned his look toward Wallace with his nodding.

“Yeah.” he said as he drew closer to Wallace, stretching out one hand with a coffee. “I can't blame the commander but she may be right. I'm sure glad she isn't my girl friend.” Randall paused, thinking about what he had just said, glancing down at his coffee and mumbling “That's not the way I meant it. I mean it's a tough spot she has placed the commander in.”

Wallace agreed, then seeing Adams and Alta coming toward him and Randall motioned they return to the ward room. Wallace lagged behind slightly in order to place himself between the commander and ward room door. He stepped aside to let Alta pass but very subtly stopped the commander and asked “Sir, can we review the operating orders from Midland Fleet Command?”

Adams looked puzzled at first, then realized that Wallace was handing him the instrument he needed to reassert control. “Yes, we must, should do that” he replied. Wallace may not have intended it as such, but what he did assured Adams he had made the right choice for his exec. He showed that with a smile and nod of approval toward Wallace.

As everyone settled back into their chairs, Adams stood at the head of the table and slowly and calmly stated “So we all understand, my orders are to effect a search and rescue mission under military authority regardless of jurisdiction. I am to investigate an apparent alien signal to the extent it may be incidental to the search and rescue.” The commander stopped, looking around the table at each face and quite comfortable in the knowledge he was back in command. Alta was about to say something but was stilled by a cold stare from Adams that made her drop her eyes to look down to the table.

Alta knew that Adams had to take charge. She couldn't lead the search team and wouldn't know where or how to begin. She had no choice but to rely on Adams and hope to convince him that she could make a valuable, if not essential contribution. She looked back at Adams, the cold stare softened somewhat and she melted it with one of her approving smiles and a slight eye flutter.

The tension was reduced but wasn't completely gone from the ward room and Adams was aware of that as well. “Doctor, can you come up with something better than MAMBE? It sounds like some weird cartoon character with a silly name that would impress no one. This is an awesome discovery doctor and it demands an awesome name.”

Everyone took the hint quickly as the mood shifted from somber silence to slight gaiety with some chuckles and laughter. Dr. Renfro laughed the hardest, admitting he had struggled looking for an awesome acronym but MAMBE was the best he could do. He promised he would give it another try and was open to suggestions.

With tensions eased Adams started anew with his customary confidence and a frightful insight. “These MAMBEs, or whatever, are going to be of significant interest to the UP. If UP scientists learn these came from Alta, they will not hesitate to make her a zoo specimen. I have a conflict, but it is partially moral and not entirely personal.” Though the commander had not finished speaking and was about to continue, Dr. Renfro spoke exactly what Adams had on his mind. “The commander is right. The UP Science Division is just another elitist bureaucracy that asserts it can do just about anything for whatever they decree to be for the common good. I have no doubt MAMBEs would meet that criteria and Alta would become property of the state. I object to that as I am sure the commander does.”

There were some glances around the table but most eyes were focused on Alta, who sat silently but looking intensely at Dr. Renfro. She could not fully comprehend something so all powerful that it could deny her freedom. Her father had preached a dislike for people from Earth but her experience thus far contradicted everything her father said. “Everyone I have met has been so kind and considerate. Are there people who are not? Are there people who would keep me captive?”

Martin was sympathetic to his niece's naivete and would help her make the right discoveries. “Alta, I'll introduce you to the park police colonel and UP's