Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 15 A Harrowing Day's End

Sheila placed her hand on Alta's shoulder to give her a gentle nudge to wake her but startled her instead, as she snapped to a full upright position in the chair at the educator. It was early evening by Sheila's watch but the day had started for both of them at sunrise and had been harrowing to say the least. Alta was dozing off occasionally and Sheila could feel the urge to sleep sweeping over her. “Alta, we need to stop. This is too much for a tired mind to take in. We have several mysteries to solve and a good night's sleep would help.”

“I'm awake, I'm awake” Alta snapped back from her adrenalin surge. She took a look around, spotting Sheila first, then Robby, then looking at the educator but still disorientated. Her aunt's words reached her consciousness a little late but her head started to nod as she spoke “Perhaps you're right. I am exhausted, physically and mentally but I have one more thing I must do. Robby.” she called.

“Yes Miss Alta.” came the familiar voice of the robot, “How can I be of service?”

“Send the first part of the recording to John, uh, Commander Adams and tell him I need to speak to him before we send more.” Alta's speech was slow and her enunciation very careful as she continued “Tell him I will find a place to use the com-link sometime tomorrow.”

“Yes Miss Alta.” replied Robby. The robot could roam freely so finding a suitable location to transmit to the ship was not a concern. The Krell robots could interfere but that was to be seen and there was no indication they would.

“Let's go Alta, it's time to sleep” Sheila's voice urged as Robby left the Krell lab first. “The quarters the Krell prepared for us look adequate but I hope they have showers and fresh clothes for us as well. But right now, I just want to hug a pillow.”

Alta turned off the educator and slowly rose from the chair, steadied by her aunt’s hand on her shoulder and the other cradling her elbow. “Yes, I need sleep.” she said softly, standing, turning and slowly walking toward the lab door. Sheila took a place at Alta's side with her arm around her as they left the lab.

“I don't quite know what to make of what we saw in that second part.” Alta said. “I don't want to alarm anyone and I think I should do more research before we send that out. Do you?”

Sheila was struggling to stay awake as they ambled down the corridor but she wanted to assure Alta that she understood the question and reason for asking. “Yes Alta, what we learned is much too ambiguous and I'm sure we can find many of the missing details. I think a fresh and rested mind will help us do that.” Sheila did not fully trust what they had seen because of their mental state. They were both very tired and could be easily confused and misled.

Alta turned her head to look at her aunt, gave her a smile and said “I'm so glad you are here.” Alta's eyes were glazed and any attempt at intelligent conversation would be wasted. Sheila smiled back.

“Cookie, is that you?” the commander queried as he looked toward the galley from the astro-navigation station. The noises from that area suggested Cookie was having an engagement with some kitchen utensils.

“Just a moment sir, I'll be right there.” came the reply from Cookie. Adams and Randall moved toward the table near the engineering station as Cookie made his appearance. “I'm here sir.”

“How much of that rocket bourbon do we still have?” the commander asked. Adams and Randall both took a seat facing each other and leaned back, their faces and body language showing their exhaustion.

“About 15 gallons sir” came the answer from Cookie. “Fifteen gallons? Where the hell did the other 45 go? We couldn't have drank that much” Adams said with a note of surprise in his voice.

“Oh no sir, we only drank a quarter, 15 gallons, on the trip here from Altair 4. The crew wanted some for shore leave and for trading.” Cookie paused for a reaction then continued “That bourbon is better than anything you can find in Barnardsville.”

Adams looked at Randall who gave a single nod, then turned his attention to Cookie. “Bring out a pint please, and two, no, make that three, five, six glasses.” Adams looked back at Randall and before Cookie could turn he said “Oh hell, make it two pints and a bucket of ice. There are more than a few of us that will need help sleeping tonight.”

“Commander, are you clairvoyant or something?” said Randall, just as Wallace started through the deck hatch, followed by Dr. Renfro, with the voices of Sheriff Martin and Flapjack right behind. “How was dinner gents?” Randall asked.

The small talk that followed suggested dinner was fine but it was clear that everyone was frustrated by the days events, and exhausted as well. Just as everyone was taking a seat at the table, Cookie arrived with two pints of ancient rocket bourbon, six glasses and a bucket of ice. Allow me sir.” Cookie offered as he opened the bottles and asked around, “straight up, neat or on the rocks?” Adams gave Cookie a quick glance and any reservations he had about speaking in his presence were gone. Cookie had been a valued and trustworthy member of the crew and there was no reason to exc