Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 16 The Menace

Sheila was in good cheer when she awoke. A good night's sleep could do that and refresh one's outlook. She was happy, smiling, even humming but not self-deceived into believing the solution to her troubles, and Alta's, were just around the corner.

The L-shaped room was windowless but had one pocket that featured an outdoor scene complete on two sides with a blue sky, sunlight, flora and fauna. It was a very high quality holograph as best as Sheila could determine and gave the convincing appearance of a patio with a low rail fence. The room had a number of holographic windows as well, giving it the appearance of a small cottage.

This was not the room the Krell had initially assigned her, at least not from the inside appearance. Had she been moved or had the Krell robots performed an interior decorating miracle? The furnishings were the same and placed where she recalled they had been at first sight. A closet was in the same place and she decided to look inside. It was filled with clothes, some of which caught here attention and seemed oddly familiar. She examined one dress closely then realized it was identical to one worn by Alta when they first met. There were also shoes on the closet floor. They all looked the right size too.

Sheila took the dress off the hanger and a pair of shoes from the floor and placed them on and near a dressing stand. There were some loose items on the dresser, mostly jewelry but also a hairbrush and comb, ribbons and even some basic makeup. The drawers contained familiar undergarments and some accessories. She took what she needed and decided to find the bath and shower.

At the end of the room farthest from the door, where the double bed was located, she noticed a peculiar depression in the side wall that joined the patio. She stepped closer and a section of the wall parted and slid open, revealing a fairly spacious bath with lavatory, toilet, whirlpool tub and shower stall. Several bath robes hung on a wall bracket along side a vertical shelf unit filled with towels. That’s what I want she thought, and as she stepped into the room, the door behind her slid closed.

Alta had entered the room at that very moment as Sheila disappeared behind the closing door. She made a quick inspection of the room and could hear the shower water starting to run and her aunt singing a happy tune, something quite old she thought. “Aunt Sheila?” Alta raised her voice.

Sheila was slightly startled into silence, but she recognized the voice and quickly calmed herself. “Yes, Alta, is that you?” she responded.

“Yes.” Alta replied, “I see the robots took care of you too. They made copies of everything Robby had made for me. You're a little taller than me and slightly more curvy so I hope they got the measurements adjusted.”

“I'll find out in a moment” Sheila said as she turned off the water and resumed her singing, but in a more subdued voice. “This bath robe fits perfectly.” she said. “Did they move us?” she asked.

“No.” Alta answered, “These rooms are in the same place, at the end of the corridor closest to the cafeteria. They must have done something while we were sleeping. They have breakfast ready for us and the coffee is,” and she paused, thinking why not, and finished with “well, out of this world.” It was true. “I'll be in the cafeteria. Take your time.” She could here her aunt improvise a “yes I will” into the song she was singing. Alta smiled broadly and left her aunt's quarters, turned right and about three meters further and she was at an entrance to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria also seemed more cheerful with false patios, table grouping surrounds, a decorative slat ceiling and potted plants. It was quite a contrast from the plain surroundings she and her aunt had encountered on their arrival. To her surprise, Robby was standing near the table she had selected earlier for her morning coffee. “Good morning Robby.” she said, as she pulled the chair from the table and sat.

“Good morning Miss Alta.” The robots had not changed everything on Robby. When he spoke, it always sounded like he was giving a command. “Will Miss Sheila be joining us this morning?”

“Yes,” Alta answered, “and we will follow the schedule I gave you yesterday. Sheila and I will return to the Krell lab and you will continue your tour with Maud. By the way, how are you two getting along?” Alta was laughing and awkwardly trying to conceal it. Robby's head was rotating left and right.

“Robots are not required to get along to perform their duties Miss Alta.” Robby said with the proper emphasis to express a slight hint of incredulity.

Alta laughed again, checking it the best she could as she said “But don't you find her attractive?”

That drew a few clicks and clacks from Robby, more head rotations and “I find her...” a pause, and then “metallic.”

Alta couldn't contain the laughter now and that caught Sheila's attention as she entered the room. Her niece laughing brought a smile to her face as she moved toward the table where