Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 17 Ambassador Adams

The lunch looked delicious but Alta had lost her appetite. Sheila could sense that and thought she knew why. She turned to the robot posted near their table and asked “What is your name?”

“I am programmed to respond to Wilma” the robot replied with the same voice used by Maud.

“Get lost Wilma. Can't you see she can't eat with you standing there? You want her to die from malnutrition because of you?” asked Sheila with a loud and bold voice.

Sheila did not expect her command to be obeyed but she was surprised nonetheless when Wilma asked “What is get lost?”

All right, Sheila thought to herself, I'll indulge the robot. “It means go away, remove yourself from our presence, leave us. Get lost. Get it now?” Sheila was giggling and thinking that should cover most of the variations. Wilma made a quarter turn and floated for the exit to the main corridor and a surprised Sheila said “I never thought it would be that easy.”

Alta's eyes followed the robot out and then turned to Sheila with a look of disbelief and amazement. Was it that easy to order the robots around or was it because Sheila was recognized as Alta's mother? “Thank you Aunt Sheila. My appetite is back. I really am hungry but, those robots make me feel like some laboratory specimen.” As Alta pulled the lunch back toward her, she added “Robby was never like that, even when I was a child. He was attentive but not overbearing.”

“We have to keep pushing the limits Alta, see how far we can go.” Sheila said as she pushed her empty lunch plate aside. “As far as we know, these robots haven't caused any serious injuries but we should try to find out if that is true.” Alta nodded as she took a bite out of an amazingly well prepared and beautifully served BLT sandwich. Sheila saw she was busy chewing and took the opportunity to offer a suggestion in the form of a question. “Do you think Robby can relay messages between you and the ship?”

Alta looked up from the lunch plate, looked at her aunt and waited to swallow before speaking. “He probably can.

Maybe I'm just making this too complicated and maybe we can learn more by just pushing on some little things, like we do when we use the lab. There is no time like the present to try.” she said as she took the com-link in her hand, hit Robby's channel alert and waited.

“Yes Miss Alta.” came from the com-link and was without any doubt the voice of Robby. “How can I be of service?”

“Robby,” Alta said, “I want you to connect me to the ship and act as a relay between me and the ship. I want to speak directly to Commander Adams. Can you do that?” Alta and Sheila were looking at each other and waiting for an answer.

“Yes Miss Alta, I have a clear signal now.” the robot answered.

Alta and Sheila looked up at each other, smiling and obviously pleased by what they heard. “Is Maud there and can she hear me?” Alta asked.

“Yes Miss Alta, she is showing me the water reclamation facilities and she can hear you on my channel or I can switch to synthetic voice.” came another clear answer from Robby.

“Get lost Maud. Go get an oil job or something, get off this channel and away from Robby. I need some time with Robby alone.” said Alta, but there was no response. “Did she leave?” Alta asked Robby.

“No Miss Alta.” came the answer from Robby.

Alta looked at Sheila shaking her head. Sheila didn't say anything but took the com-link from Alta's hand and said “Get lost Maud. Go get an oil job or something, get off this channel and away from Robby. I need some time with Robby alone.”

“What is get lost, Miss Sheila?” came the response, clearly using Maud's voice. Alta and Sheila just looked at each other, shaking their heads and then laughing.

“Ask Wilma!” Sheila snapped back. Sheila waited a few more seconds and then asked Robby “Is she leaving Robby?”

“Yes Miss Sheila.” came the reply, “She has left the area and I am alone now.”

Now Alta was too excited to eat and pushed the plate away. She looked at her aunt, shaking her head in disbelief and flashing a broad smile.

“They are not our enemies nor are they our masters Alta. They have been telling you that all along. It wasn't a clue we had to discover or unravel. It was right there in your dreams. I don't think these robots speak or act in riddles.” Sheila said as she took Alta's hands. “They may not do all that you ask, but it seems that as your mother, they will do what I ask. I'm sure there may be limits, but we don't know what they are.” Sheila sat back, very contented and greatly relieved that their situation was probably not as grim as they thought. Sheila handed the com-link back to Alta saying “Go ahead and contact John. I'm sure he and Julius would like to know we are well.”

“Robby,” Alta said, “get me a relay and connect me to the ship. I want to speak to Commander Adams.”

Randall heard the com-link chirping and could see it was the channel assigned to Robby. “Robby, is that you old buddy?” Randall asked, making no effort to conceal the excitement in his voice.

“No Mr. Randall, this is Altaira” the voice said and continued “Is” she started to talk but was cut off by Randall shouting.

“Skipper! Skipper! It's Alta,