Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 22 Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Without warning, Adams pressed the isolate switch as the surrogate continued to emit the sounds of metal gears grinding. Both Martin and Flapjack gave Adams a puzzled look and waited for an explanation.

“Let him grind but I had another thought I wanted to explore.” said Adams in response to the looks he was getting. “From what little we have seen, these robots have the same response learning algorithm as Robby but, unlike Robby, they have been in isolation from living beings for about 600,000 years.”

“I think I follow you John.” said Flapjack, then adding “The robots anticipatory routines are still developing and are responding to what we give them. It's a blank slate.”

“Precisely” Adams snapped back, “So when I created the impression I required guidance from the surrogate, which I actually did, the surrogate started response learning based on my apparent dependence. I have to break that now and I think I just did. I think Alta may have shocked the robots more than us with her outburst.”

Martin hadn't said anything but it was time now to express the thought he had earlier about a bargaining chip. “I didn't push this before John, but we may need to use Alta,” Martin said and very quickly added “in a positive way.” Adams did not look happy but waited patiently and gave Martin a look that demanded an explanation. “OK, OK, don't get angry and hear me out.” said Martin, responding to Adams's look. “What if you were to claim Alta as a hostage given to you by her father to care for and that your intention is marriage? Could you present that with confidence to the surrogate?”

Adams and Flapjack were now intrigued, each nodding and contemplating what Martin said. “I think I could.” replied Adams while giving more thought to how that might unfold.

It could be interpreted as a breach of agreement or violation of protocol if Alta had been taken from her appointed custodian. To complicate matters further, if the Krell robots had any concept of marriage, seizing Alta, even if for protective custody, would involve their interference in an agreement between a living Garon and living Krell. But how would they respond?

Adams looked toward Flapjack, who had said nothing so far. Martin turned his attention to Flapjack as well and with both men staring at him, he began to squirm. “OK,” he finally responded, “I think it may work if we mean that John gains authority over Alta, and Sheila, and Robby, and also lets the surrogate know that his response learning is far from complete and he is not in charge here. Yeah, I think it could work.”

Adams was satisfied but was following another thought as well. “I think we need to do some role playing as well, but strictly honest so the robots don't catch on. Julius, Flapjack, if you hear something you don't like, or needs clarification, speak up so the surrogate can hear. I have to trust your judgment on when it is appropriate to do that.” Both men nodded their agreement and Adams hit the window sill switch to connect. The surrogate was still there but silent.

“I must clarify a point of order and demand immediate satisfaction surrogate.” It seemed that Ambassador Adams was becoming more like Commander Adams, but how would the surrogate react?

“Please explain Mr. Ambassador.” requested the surrogate with a far more conciliatory and humble tone than previously exhibited. It was so obvious that all the men glanced at each other nodding to express their satisfaction with the change they observed in the surrogate.

“Altaira Morbius was placed in my care, custody and control by her father. You have violated the hostage protocol by seizing her without the consent of either her father or husband to be. The fact she is also my intended wife is a direct violation of Krell authority over machines. You are not permitted to set aside those agreements.” the commander continued, but was uncertain when to relent.

Flapjack picked up on the situation. The surrogate needed an escape route and Flapjack would offer one possibility. “Mr. Ambassador, I don't believe the Krell would empower their machines to act dishonorably and I am sure that given the opportunity, those machines would act immediately to rectify any wrong doing or improper action.”

Martin saw what Flapjack was trying to do and recognized an opportunity for the classic good cop, bad cop routine. “Mr. Ambassador, there is no excuse for this breach of protocol and agreements by the Krell. We have been more than patient and I think we have compromised our integrity far beyond what is required for mutual trust and understanding.”

“Wait gentlemen.” Adams said, raising his hand to his ear signaling Martin and Flapjack to listen. The only statement Adams feared might trip him was referring to Alta by implication as being Krell. He knew that is what the robots believed, but would the surrogate believe that he believed it too? The confirmation that his performance was flawless came with an increasingly louder metallic grinding from the surrogate. Now he thought, and quickly hit the isolate switch and turned his back to the window and image of the Krell surrogate. He motioned Martin and Flapjack to follow as he headed directly to the door and exited to the corridor.

Alta pounded her fist on the console, threw the image switch forward to turn