Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 23 Deeds That Haunt

There are certain patterns of human life that appear to be timeless. The need for a stimulant upon waking seems to be one of those constants of existence. Flapjack had found a small kitchenette at the far end of the Ambassador Suite in the L-section that turned to the right and parallel to the Master Bedroom. Not only did he find a kitchenette, but also a dining area and a swimming pool. The walkway that surrounded the pool featured a low wrought iron fence on two sides and a splendid view of green fields, hills and mountains on those two sides. He was certain they were holographic images but were exceptionally well done and looked like the real thing.

Another pattern of human life appears to be that the very act of one person making a stimulant awakens certain sleeping people. This morning Commander Adams and Sheriff Martin were no exceptions as they found their way to the poolside dining area, led by the aroma of the brewing coffee.

“You two sure look happy,” moaned Flapjack as he set the coffee decanter on the table, then added “and not very well rested I might add. Did either of you bother to sleep? Anyone else joining us?” Both men shook their heads no as they flashed a smile while reaching for the coffee mugs.

“When are you going to marry that girl Flapjack so you can not be wide awake, not be fresh in the morning and be just as beat, tired and happy as we are?” Adams quipped but there was no reaction from either Flapjack or Martin. Both had a picture in their head of Mary Lou sitting on a sofa and crying as the paramedics looked after her father. They would eventually tell Adams about the incident but not now. There were other considerations and burdening the commander with the news about Dr. Renfro did not seem prudent. “What's the matter with you two?” Adams asked in response to the cool reception of his joke.

“It''s nothing John, just the realization this is going to be a critical day.” replied Flapjack and Adams acknowledged with a nod.

Adams took that from Flapjack as an introduction to discuss the upcoming session with the surrogate. He indicated he was satisfied and believed they had secured liberty for Altaira and Sheila. He wasn't certain about Robby but suspected he too would be released in Alta's custody. Maud and Wilma? He wasn't sure but he felt that was of no consequence to what had to be negotiated next.

It was Martin who suggested a small change of tactics. He pointed out that the inhabitants of Barnardsville had never been informed or otherwise made aware of the Krell outpost and the rules that applied in the neutral zone. He expressed his sense that any semblance of justice would require some form of notification before compliance could be reasonably expected. His point was how could the colonists break an agreement they didn't know existed or applied under the circumstances.

Flapjack also picked up on the fact the Krell had gone to extraordinary measures to conceal the location of the outpost. They had made no effort to reveal their existence to the colonists, advancing the defense that if the colonists were ignorant, the Krell were responsible for not revealing their presence and for not informing the colonists the neutral zone existed and where it was located.

Unfortunately, they all agreed that the Krell sense of justice was a big unknown and no matter what they thought about the universality of the concept of justice, it may not reside with the Krell or the Krell robots.

“Well, it's time to find out if the surrogate sees things as we see them.” said Adams as he observed that everyone was finishing their coffee. “Are we ready?” With that the three men rose from the table and started toward the door. It was Adams and Martin that paused briefly as they looked at the rooms where they had left their wives, each turning a smile and then proceeding to the exit.

The platform was waiting with a dutiful Oscar standing by. The second robot was at his station at the rear of the platform and now bore an identification stencil similar to the one worn by Oscar. It said “Eli”. “To the surrogate.” Commanded Adams as the three men mounted and took seats on the platform.

About the time Flapjack was finishing his coffee, Mary Lou was pouring hers at the Renfro residence. From the kitchen counter seat she could see the temporary plastic film patch on the living room plate glass window as it puffed in and out from the gentle breeze outside. It looked strangely alive as if it were breathing and Mary Lou, at least for a moment, kept pace with it. She began punching in the numbers on the phone set as she calmly lifted her coffee and leaned back to meet the back of the counter stool.

“Good morning, Park Police Headquarters. How may I direct your call?” came over the speaker as Mary Lou took a sip of coffee and calmly swallowed before she spoke. “Colonel Dugan please.” she requested as she placed the coffee mug on the counter top and then clasped her hands in front of her. Mary Lou had always been reserved about displaying emotion, even as a child but being a dancer at