Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 29 Countdown

“I think it would be easier if we worked on a less formal basis, at least in the field.” Adams said as Randall forgot his status for a moment and snapped to attention. “That isn't necessary, so you call me John and I'll call you Vince when we are not attending an official state function. OK Vince?”

“Yes sir, uh, yes John” replied Randall.

“This is a science investigation and not a military operation. We need to be more open and expressive in this particular case. You say what you're thinking and I'll do the same and let's thrash out these discoveries.” It had taken nearly three months for Adams to adjust to a civilian mindset on this mission. “Maud, power up please.”

The sound of the power generator coming on line startled Randall who was seeing the interior of the Krell warship for the first time. When the lights were brought up to nominal power he was completely overwhelmed by what he saw. The main deck was at the lowest level and the ship from this vantage point resembled a building with an eight story circular atrium. The central core of the ship tapered as it rose and terminated in what appeared to be an extensible cylinder. The core at the main deck was only six meters in diameter and ringed with 4 evenly spaced open elevator tubes.

Randall was taking it in but had to ask “Sir, uh, I mean John, this is crewed by 12 men per watch? How can they run a ship this large?”

“Feel free to ask Maud anything you want. If it is out of bounds per our agreement with the surrogate, she'll let you know.” Encouraging Randall to use Maud was one the days objectives and Adams was sure they would both benefit from hearing her answers to their questions. “I know this answer and it is that each crew member, excluding the officers, commands three robots. The officers, of which there are three per watch, have one robot each. Put the crew at general quarters and everything increases 50 percent.”

“I'm just having trouble getting over the fact she turned on the power for you. Why did she do that?” Randall asked as he walked around the perimeter of the main deck, examining the work stations as he moved.

“If it does no harm, she usually does what I ask, and that is the way I figure it.” Adams answered. “I have asked her to take the ship up and she refused, giving me 101 reasons why she couldn't, starting with an inadequate crew and ending with lack of clearance when I told her to stop. By the way, have you seen anything that even closely resembles...” Adams was saying when the chirping com-link interrupted. “Amber light. I'll try outside but take a good look around. Find the head.”

About half way down the gangway the signal indicator turned green and Adams answered “Adams here, what have you got?”

“Mr. Ambassador, this is Barnard's Port Authority Communications. We have an urgent for your eyes only message for you from State.” came an unfamiliar voice.

“I don't have the decryption gear or code for State so send a response and let them know.” Adams responded, and then waited for a reply.

“Will do Mr. Ambassador, out.”

No sooner had the signal ended when the com-link chirped again, but this time it was identified as Wallace. “Yes Mr. Wallace. What can I do for you?”

“Mr. Adams, I just received an urgent and for my eyes only message from fleet. Admiral Seitgart has been relieved of command and Secretary of State Bern has resigned.” said Wallace, pausing only briefly to let that sink in. “I have orders to enforce strict lock-down, to take Alta into custody and to place you under arrest.”

“That is a problem Mr. Wallace.” Adams replied quite calmly considering what he was told.

“I understand Mr. Adams,” Wallace responded and added “and your recommendation sir?”

“I would advise you leave Alta alone for your own protection. You saw Wilma but don't let that pink paint job and big kiddie eyes fool you. If Wilma thinks it necessary, she will kill anyone that tries to harm Alta.” Adams waited and got an aye aye from Wallace. “On that other matter, I suppose you will have to arrest me when I reach the ship. It's the only way I know I can get home from here. I'll be waiting for you at the gangway.”

“I hope you have something better than that in mind Mr. Adams.” came the response from Wallace.

“I hope so too. Out.” Adams spoke into the com-link then yelled out “Vince, Maud, time to go, now!”

“I should have asked for your advice weeks ago. I'm sorry I put it off and that I'm bringing my problem to you now but I'm desperate.” Alta said, clearly nervous and perhaps slightly confused. Sheila listened patiently as she, Mary Lou and Alta sat on the patio in the lengthening shadows of the Barnard's sunset. “I haven't said anything to John and I think that may have been a mistake.”

“Before we make any judgments like that Alta, don't you think you should tell us the problem?” asked Sheila as both she and Mary Lou leaned forward to better hear Alta, whose voice was beginning to