Forbidden Outpost by Tony Rubolotta - HTML preview

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Chapter 30 Fateful Arrivals

“What the hell is going on here? Can't you people make a simple arrest!” Savorkian shouted at the four Port Authority officers standing in a line in front of him. “From here on, you report to Commander Martin. Here is my authorization and your orders. Now where the hell is that lieutenant, Wallace?” One of the Port Authority ensigns pointed to the ship on landing pad 8. “Follow me.” Savorkian barked and the ensigns jumped in a column behind him.

Wallace was descending the gangway and knew what was coming. He had done all he could to evade orders without being insubordinate but with a commodore on the ground, that was no longer possible. “You're Wallace?” Savorkian growled and Wallace nodded. “I hear you have Adams under house arrest?” Wallace nodded again. “I want him now and here's my authority to relieve you of your prisoner.”

“He's not here commodore.” Wallace snapped back. “He is under house arrest and that's where he is, home.”

Wallace got a sneer and scowl from Savorkian for that, who then did a quick about face as he started barking orders to the port authority ensigns. “You, get his address. You, get those two Park Police Helicopters ready and on pad 6. You, get three rovers over here. You, get us to the surveillance satellites.”

Commander Richard Martin was at Savorkian's side as they started toward the Port Authority Communications center. “I understand your brother is the sheriff here and has been aiding Adams and his wife. We want them both but your brother may interfere. You have any problems with that?” Savorkian asked as they walked briskly behind the lead ensign.

Without any hesitation, Commander Martin answered “No sir!”

“Good.” Savorkian barked, “Let's see what we're up against.”

Savorkian, Commander Martin and his squad leaders were carefully studying the holographic image of the Adams house. Martin had primary responsibility for the tactical plan. “We want the wife alive so bringing the house down is out of the question. Blaster on brick can be slow but acceptable. No HKs until we know where the woman is located. If anything happens to her, I'll personally shoot whoever did it. She is the whole reason for this mission.” Martin paused to look up at his squad leaders, who also raised their heads and gave him their aye ayes. “I'd like to take Adams alive if possible but if you have to kill him in self-defense do it.”

Martin took the camera controller in hand and started scanning and zooming to various points on the image. “We know they have three robots but I can't find them. They could be inside the house but the IR can't pick them up. We'll have to dig them out. Ensign, over here.” Martin ordered and the Port Authority duty officer, who happened to be Mr. Otomi on this day, joined him at the image projector. “I need you and two more pairs of eyes to keep a watch on this, find those robots and let me know when you do. Got it?”

“Yes sir.” replied Otomi. “I'll attend to it promptly sir.” Otomi's tone was not very friendly and conveyed his discontent with the orders he received. He was never close to Adams but respected the commander as competent and concerned for the welfare of his men. He knew Sheriff Martin as a casual acquaintance and thought highly of him. His brother now giving him commands seemed so cold and rigid in comparison. He would do what he was told but he didn't have to like it.

Martin did notice Otomi's tone and gave him a cold stare. “Is there a problem Ensign Otomi?” he growled.

“No sir.” came the response from Otomi as he looked the commander straight in the eyes with a slight scowl on his face.

Commander Martin pointed to one of the sergeants and said “Your squad and the first chopper will put down here and deploy in an arc sweeping from south to west. Second squad,” Martin continued, now pointing at the other sergeant, “will land here and deploy in an arc from north to east. The commodore will take the first rover and driver and approach the house directly to see if he can persuade them to surrender. I'll take the second rover and three PA officers and set up a killing zone in the northwest. Four of the ship's crewman will take the third rover and set up a kill zone at the southeast. Any questions?”

“Load out sir?” came as a question from one of the squad leaders.

“Blasters only unless I order otherwise.” came Commander Martin's reply followed quickly with “HKs on the robots only. If you do fire on a robot, make it count and change your cover immediately. My understanding is they are sensor equipped and extremely accurate. Shoot and scoot is the order for robots.”

That satisfied the men present and when it was clear there were no more questions, Commander Martin dismissed his squad leaders. “Well done commander” came the compliment from Savorkian. “Looks like a good plan.”

“Here they come!” shouted Martin, straining to hear the sound of the helicopters at first and noting how quickly they were getting louder. From a standoff position looking through the front window, he could see one set down about 80 meters directly south of the house.

“Here too,” yelled Adams, “due north” as he watched the second