From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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going through a tough time now, you haven’t seen anything yet. You haven’t a clue what’s coming your way, you whore!


Stephen picked up the phone. “Hello.”


He sounded really cold. Something had changed radically. “Why didn‘t you come over tonight? You left me here waiting!”


“I have something to tell you.”

“What‘s that?”

“We‘re through.”


She gasped and almost fell of her bed. “What? How dare you to do this to me, you asshole?”


“I‘m sorry. I made a mistake. You and I should never have been together.” “Don‘t tell me that Sheena took you back.” “She did.”


“You‘re dumping me for her.”

“It was never meant to be, Tanya.”


Sheila was still in the bathroom, almost done putting on her sexy negligee. She had already put on her matching pink push-up bra and her pink panties to match the negligee. She wanted to make the game a little bit more fun. She didn‘t know what Sheena was like in bed because she would never talk to her twin sister about sex, but she‘d heard from his ex girlfriends that he preferred tranquil, submissive women. She‘d learned a few tricks in the two past relationships she‘d had. She‘d done everything.


“How can you tell me such a thing?” Tanya said, crying bitterly. “We are going to have a baby together!”


“I am going to support that baby. I am going to take full responsibility, I promise.” “I don‘t want your money! I want you!” she screamed.


“I‘m sorry, Tanya. I am offering you the only thing I can give you. I love my baby and I will always be there. I don‘t know why you‘re so hung up on me frankly, because I never told you I loved you.” He was starting to become upset now because he couldn‘t make her understand that what they‘d done to Sheena was wrong and he was trying to make it right. “It was just sex. You knew that from the beginning.”


“I love you, Stephen.”

“Goodbye, Tanya.” He hung up.


Tanya couldn‘t stop crying. She was too obsessed with him to let him go. Tanya had serious mental issues and an extremely obsessive personality. That was one of many reasons why Stephen just dumped her, although he never told her because he didn‘t want to make her feel worse than she already did. She was possessive and controlling. Her word was law. She was never interested in what she had to say. Basically, she was nothing like Sheena. Sheena was sweet, trusting, she always cared about his feelings, she was always there to listen to him, and their opinions were of equal value. Since Sheena began her career as a singer, they had very little time to spend together, but that wasn‘t the reason why Stephen cheated. Tanya was incredibly seductive and she‘d always been infatuated with him. One night he was vulnerable and saddened because he and Sheena had argued on the phone. It was their first argument since their relationship started three years before. She got him drunk, seduced him and had sex with him. Since then, to him, she was addictive and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn‘t stop sleeping with her. She was an expert at this, no doubt. She was one of few women that had control of him