From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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in bed. She could do things that no other woman could. Stephen‘s parents, Stella and Ace were very disappointed in him because of what he was doing, and they kept telling him, every time they talked to him, to leave Tanya alone, that she would hurt him badly. She was a horrible drug for him, but now it was time to break the spell.


Tanya wouldn‘t let it happen, however. She got the strength she needed when she didn‘t have it before, took a shower and got dressed in a matter of minutes. Then, she got out of the house, got into her car, and at almost one o‘clock in the morning she pulled out of the garage, then out of the driveway and took the road.


Sheila finished getting ready and entered Stephen‘s room. Stephen was lying down on his bed, completely naked, covering his lower body with the sheets. This time, he drooled like crazy but he had no time to hide it. She looked stunning. Sheena looked sexy many times before. She was a very sensual and desirable woman, but tonight, there was something different. He couldn‘t explain it, but he liked it. She was more sensual than ever, more provocative. He was fascinated. Stephen couldn‘t believe his eyes. Sheena had done some pretty amazing things for him, but somehow this was unlike anything he‘d ever experienced.


“Do you like it, baby?” she said as she stood there modeling for him. “Oh, yes, I do. I love it. I‘ve never seen this side of you before, Sheena.” Surprised, Sheila asked, “What do you mean?” For a moment she thought that he‘d


noticed that she wasn‘t who she was pretending to be and her plan had been ruined and he was just playing the game with her.


“You seem much wilder than before. I can‘t explain it.”


She slowly lied down in bed with him. “Then don‘t,” she said as she caressed his face, his neck and his chest. “Just make love to me, please, and forget about everything else. Forget about her.”


“I already have,” he said and kissed her passionately.


Tanya was too sad and angry to think straight. She didn‘t know what she was doing and she was going the wrong way. This was not the way to Stephen‘s house. She was in a place that she didn‘t know. She just kept on driving and didn‘t notice that she was totally wrong. She started driving erratically and the driver behind her noticed this. He started blowing the horn. She was so lost that she didn‘t hear him, but he insisted. He wouldn‘t give up. He just continued to shine his lights as intense as he could in an effort to blind her, annoy her and get her to pay attention, and he continued to blow the horn with the same purpose.


All of a sudden, Tanya just stopped because she couldn‘t see where she was going because of the lights and it was dangerous. She cared for Stephen and she didn‘t want him to be responsible for his baby‘s death for breaking up with her and driving her to have a car accident. “Oh, my God…”


The concerned driver pulled over right behind her and got out of the car. He came to her window and knocked on it.


She put her window down. “Yes?”


“Don‘t you know how you‘re driving, lady? This is crazy. You could get yourself killed!” “Thank you for trying to warn me.”


She was five months pregnant and he noticed it because her belly was enormous. She didn‘t know it but Stephen had an identical twin named Stanley and she was having twin girls. “Ah, you‘re pregnant, too!” he said. “Don‘t you care about the life of your child? I‘m sorry. I don‘t mean to be so judgmental. It‘s just that I‘m really worried.”