From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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“I‘m still amazed that you took me back, Sheena, when there are so many other men out there who are much better than me. You could‘ve gotten with someone on tour, I don‘t know, a fellow singer, or a fan…”


“I had many chances to cheat on you, or better yet, leave you for another man, call you on the phone and say, ‗Stephen, I‘ve found someone else. We‘re through.‘ Then I could‘ve hung up. You know why I didn‘t do that? Because you‘re the one I love. You‘re the one I want. No man has made me feel the way you do. I forgive you, but you can be certain that I will make sure that you never do it again.”


“Oh, trust me, I knew that hours before you made this declaration,” he said, laughing. “Babe, you ain‘t seen anything yet,” she replied and then got out of bed to freshen up and

put on some pajamas.






Chapter 10


Robinson was in his office, attending to a call about one of his artists, who was terribly sick and had to cancel several concerts. He was up to his neck in work because he was working on his record label and film-production companies at the same time, but that didn‘t have any negative effects on him or his health. Emadorians were known for working very hard, and sleeping a maximum of only eight hours a day. Many of them didn‘t have time for themselves, time for entertainment, and that‘s why they wished days were more than twenty four hours long, thirty hours long, at least, so that they could work like they were doing and at the same time have some free time like regular people. Robinson didn‘t want to sell the record label he‘d worked so hard to maintain, and his younger sister, Rhonda decided to move to another state and leave the record label to him once again. She‘d figured that she could do this and she could do anything she wanted to, but this just wasn‘t for her. She wanted to pursue a career as a writer, and she‘d already started, having two unpublished novels under her belt, novels that she‘d finished in less than six months. She could‘ve had more stories to publish if she wanted to, but she wanted to provide the best stories for her readers, well-written and executed. Usually, her first drafts were ready for publication. She had just landed an agent and she was lucky because the agent worked for her brother Robert‘s book-publishing company, which was now one of the most prestigious, giving their authors amazing advances and royalties—making them bestselling authors in a few months time after their books would go live. She would‘ve gone directly to the publisher without an agent and been just as successful because her writing was that awesome, but it was better for her to get some representation. Robinson didn‘t have another family member to help him out and take over one of his companies for him…or so he thought. Kay was willing to take on the film-production company. That was precisely the career she was in college for right now, and she‘d acquired enough knowledge and experience to excel. Kay came into Robinson‘s office to make him a proposal. Incredibly, in a few months time, she had graduated from college in the film-studies field and she herself couldn‘t believe it. It was like Robinson had passed onto her his extraordinary intelligence or something because she was bright before meeting him, but before marrying him she had never accomplished so many extraordinary things in so little time. She was enjoying it the superpowers that were apparently being passed on to her, but at the same time,