From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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she didn‘t trust herself with them. She was afraid she would hurt someone. Kay sat right in front of Robinson, in a pretty chair as he continued to talk on the phone. She knew he would hang up without being done and attend to her, but she didn‘t want to interrupt him. He was sunk so deep in this new problem he was facing that he still didn‘t know that she was there with him.


“Ok, that‘s not a problem. I‘m sure that her fans will understand and even pray for her to get better soon instead of being angry with her and with us because these concerts were cancelled.”


As soon as Kay figured out what he was talking about, she suggested, “Why don‘t you help her get better faster so that all these concerts don‘t have to be cancelled?” Bennett Records was now more successful than ever before, but Kay was afraid that the cancellation of Brie‘s concerts would generate great losses for Brie and the record label.


Robinson took the phone off his ear and said, “I‘m sorry, Kay, I didn‘t know you were here.” The caller waited for them to finish talking and took the time to listen to the conversation to see if this problem could indeed be resolved for the sake of everyone. He was worried about Brie‘s situation. Brie had bronchitis, and she couldn‘t sing. Her fans wouldn‘t be able to hear her beautiful voice, and although they would get every penny of their money back, they would still be sad. “Do you really think I could do that? I mean I‘d never done it before. I was underground for a long time and I didn‘t have a chance. When I came up here no one around me was sick, or at least so I thought, until Sheena died. Oh, bummer…”


“Of course you can‘t do it. Don‘t you know that there are very, very few things that you can‘t do?”


“And how do you know that?”

“You‘re really asking me?” she said, smiling.


“Well…” he didn‘t know what to say to this one. He was so worked up about what was happening to Brie that he couldn‘t concentrate on anything else. “I may have done some things, without knowing, to make you and keep you completely healthy, but curing Brie‘s bronchitis, which is getting worse and worse every day, and as if that weren‘t enough, her vocal cords are starting to suffer some damage…”


Yes, Robinson, you can do it! Felix, Brie‘s manager thought while he listened to the conversation on the phone. You can do it! You can solve this problem for all of us! Why don’t you try?


“If you‘re not so sure you can do it, why not let me try?” she said. “I mean you sure can do it, and you know it, but you‘re afraid. You think you‘ll be playing God if you cure someone of his or her great ailment, and that God will be mad at you.”


“It seems that you‘ve know me for several years.”


“Let‘s just say that I have learned a lot about you. God won‘t be angry with you if you do something good for someone. On the contrary, I think he‘ll be happy.”


“If I do this, I‘ll do it in a different way from anybody else.”


“Don‘t you want to help Brianne? Don‘t you want to not have to cancel these concerts?” “I do.”


“Then why don‘t you go see Brie and help her out? You‘ll help all of us, not just her.” “You‘re right. I am going to do it.”


“That‘s good. Listen, I came to talk to you about taking charge of Bennett Films. I think I‘m ready.”


“I know you are, but I never thought you wanted this.”