From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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Robinson just smiled. He made this happen. Kay was right. He was afraid to do it because he thought he‘d be playing God. At least he hadn‘t enhanced Brie‘s DNA in any way. He just cured her bronchitis in an unconventional way, using his incredible psychic powers. Now he felt good about himself. He saved Brie‘s career, her fans and the future of his company.


Minutes later, everyone was in the living room, talking.

“I‘m getting hungry,” Brie said. “Who wants a snack?” She got up from the sofa.

“I just want a candy bar if you have one,” said Robinson.


“Candy bar,” Brie said. “I love candy bars, and I have many varieties, like ten different kinds. What‘s your favorite?”


“I like Hershey‘s.”

“Do you want it with or without almonds?”

“It doesn‘t really matter.”


“What do you guys want?” She was ecstatic and she couldn‘t stop smiling.


“I just want a small fruit salad,” said Barbara. “I‘m not crazy about candy bars.” “I want a sandwich,” Cody said, “ham and cheese.”


“It‘s all coming right up,” Brie said, excited, and walked out of the living room.


“Are you sure all you want is a candy bar, Robinson?” Cody asked, looking him in the eyes. “A candy bar doesn‘t satisfy.”


“It satisfies me when I know I don‘t want to eat anything else.”

“I‘ve always wondered what you do to stay so fit. It seems like you never get fat,” said



“I don‘t do anything. It happens naturally. I can eat anything I want, as much of it as I want, and I never gain any weight. I solely exercise to maintain my muscles and, you know, stay healthy. I lift weights with my arms and my legs, and I do abdominal exercises to maintain what people call the six-pack.”


“I abhor you,” Cody replied and everyone burst out laughing. “No, I‘m for real I wish I could be like you. I mean you don‘t even use steroids to get those colossal muscles.”


“No steroids.”


“Now I abhor you even more. I‘ve tried to get bigger muscles by lifting weights, and it works all the time, but I have to work really hard to maintain them. Do you think that, after what you did for my sister, you could make things easier for me?”


“Cody…” Barbara said.


“It‘s ok, Barbara. I don‘t mind him asking me to do this for him. You know something, Cody? Without enhancing your DNA, I can make your body do what you want it to do, even things that seem impossible, like becoming muscular without having to lift weights till you‘re drained.”


“You‘d really do that for me, man?”


“Yes, I would, and I will, before I leave here.”


“And can you really tell your body, tell your stomach and your brain that a candy bar is all that your stomach‘s going to get, and you‘ll be satisfied with just a candy bar, even if it‘s not Snickers?”


Everyone laughed again.


“Yes, Cody, that‘s the truth, believe it or not. I have total control of my body. It does what I want it to do. For example, if I‘m having an irresistible meal, and I feel full, and I want to