From The Heart by Kristina Ortiz - HTML preview

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continue eating, I tell my body to stop, that‘s enough, and next thing I know, I put my plate aside. I don‘t feel hungry anymore.”


“When that happens to us we can‘t stop eating. Man, how in the world do you do that?” “I don‘t know, believe me.”


“That sucks, you know that? It sucks for you not to know.”


“You don‘t have to worry about that. You‘ll be able to do the same things from now on.” A few minutes later, Brie brought everyone‘s snacks to the living room. Although she


was filthy rich, she didn‘t have maids to serve her, only housekeepers. She would serve herself all the time. She hadn‘t always been rich and she was trying to stay as humble as possible. She worked very hard not to let fame go over her head and she was very sweet to the fans, the paparazzi and reporters. She never denied anyone autographs. She wasn‘t aware that she was one of the biggest superstars out there right now, possibly the biggest pop star in the world, at the moment, after Sheena Brown.


Brie placed the big tray with the snacks on the center of the coffee table, and everyone picked up their snack. Robinson tore open the Hershey‘s candy bar right away. He wasn‘t hungry at all. He just didn‘t want to turn down Brie‘s offer for a snack. They ate their snacks that day and continued to converse about random things. That day, they even invited Robinson for dinner to show him gratitude for what he‘d done for Brie. They didn‘t know what he did, but they sure knew that they owed it all to him. Word never reached the fans that the next several concerts would be cancelled and even the whole tour. Robinson was successful in keeping that from happening. The superstar known as Lady Brie was back on her feet, rehearsing, and ready to continue to blow her fans away with her unbelievable, prodigal voice and dance moves. She was one of few singers who could sing and dance at the same time without becoming fatigued. Brie was just starting out compared to other artists out there. She‘d been in the business for less than two years, and she was already looking to experiment with other music genres, like soul. She wrote almost all of her songs and her lyrics were beyond powerful. Very few songs were about love. Most of her songs were about empowerment and had a positive message, encouraging people to never give up. That‘s why she had millions and millions of fans, and that‘s why, with only two albums, she had sold over thirty million copies worldwide, despite music piracy. Her fans were willing to buy her music no matter what, and they would never steal it. If they didn‘t have money to buy it, they would just not buy it or work hard to get the money to buy it. Eventually they would get what they wanted. In reality, very few fans of different artists didn‘t have money to buy the music of their idols, but they did get to enjoy it by borrowing their records from friends or family, or by watching their performances on TV. The concerts that were about to be cancelled were completed and so far, although the tour wasn‘t over yet, Brie had made over sixty million dollars. There were only a few more concerts to do before the world tour would be over.


Kay was getting a chocolate-flavored coffee at the shop. Just when she was about to leave, she bumped into a mysterious man that had been watching her for a long time. He wasn‘t stalking her, though. Friends that he and Kay had in common, even though they didn‘t know one another, kept him informed of the most important things that Kay did during the day, every day, things that interested him and somehow affected his life. If the cup of coffee didn‘t have a lid on, it would‘ve been spilled all over Kay and the stranger‘s clothes, ruining Kay‘s workday because that meant that she had to go back home, take another shower, and change her clothes. Kay was suspicious of the man because of the way that he looked at her, but she didn‘t want to make it